All items tagged with David Hafler (11)
Book Review: Examining Fundamental Amplifier Techniques with Electron Tubes, 2nd Edition
The Danish Loudspeaker 100-Year Anniversary Book
The Dynaco ST-70 Series 3 Tube Amplifier is Now (Finally!) Shipping
A Review of Hafler’s PH50 and PH60 Phono Preamps and the PH44 Moving Coil Step-Up Transformer
Relaunch of Legendary Dynaco ST-70 Series 3 Tube Amplifier Scheduled for Spring 2017
The Return of the Legendary Dynaco ST70 Tube Amplifier
New Hafler P3100 2-Channel Amplifier Featuring Patented Lateral MOSFET Trans-nova Technology
Hafler’s HA75 Tube Head Headphone Amplifier Gets Recognition
The Borbely Annals - An Interview with Erno Borbely By Jan Didden
Hafler HA75 Tube Head Headphone Amplifier
The Audio Voice Sign-Up