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About Claus Futtrup
Claus Futtrup received his MSc in ME from Aalborg University in 1997 and has worked in the loudspeaker industry since. From 1997 to 2006, he worked at Dynaudio A/S first as an R&D Engineer, designing loudspeaker boxes and later as a System Engineer for automotive. From 2006 through 2007, he was employed as a Transducer Design Engineer at Tymphany Denmark and, in 2008-2013 he was R&D Manager at Scan-Speak. From 2013 to 2015 he worked as Technical Sales Manager for SEAS, Norway, and in 2015 he was promoted to Chief Technical Officer. From August 2021, Claus moved back to Denmark and started working at DALI as manager of the acoustics team.

All items written by Claus Futtrup
Transitional Bass Reflex Alignments
The CD4 Bass Reflex Alignment
The IB4 Bass Reflex Alignment
The LR4 Bass Reflex Alignment
Computation of Bass Reflex Alignments
Loudspeaker Bass Reflex Alignments