All items tagged with plugins (190)
Apogee Bundles Waves Plug-Ins with Duet, Quartet, and Ensemble Interfaces
iZotope Releases RX Loudness Control Plug-in
RTW Introduces Mastering Tools Plug-In and RTW TM3-Primus USB TouchMonitor
RCF Launches M18 Digital Mixer and Expands L-PAD Mixer Range
SSL Upgrades Duality and AWS Studio Consoles to Allow Automation as a DAW Plug-in
Plug and Mix Launches VST / VSTi “Chainer” Utility
New Automatic RX Loudness Control Plug-in from iZotope
Sonarworks Studio Monitor and Headphone Calibration Solution
Avid Confirms Pro Tools 12 is Now Available
Cedar Audio and Merging Technologies Agreement on Retouch Technology