One of the main features which made FINE R+D standout was the possibility to perform anechoic measurements to be done in a normal room, since the reflections from walls and floor/ceiling would be excluded by the FINE R+D software. The 2020 update introduces compensation for room resonances as defined by the National Research Council (NRC) (Canada) standards. The updated software also allows export of Normalized curves in LAB and TXT formats.
Since the 2019 updates, the Loudsoft FINE R+D solution is able to support sample rates at 48, 96 and 192 kHz, perform Bluetooth measurements with delay compensation, and measure SPL and impedance up to ~100 kHz in normal rooms. The software also now supports direct measurements for applications in smart speakers, amplifiers, microphone and crossover systems. It performs High Accuracy impedance measurements in LO (Low current) and HI (High current) modes. Also Polar plots, Contour plots and automatic conversion from measured frequency responses are included. The new Normalization Mode is ideal for Microphone measurements and relative SPL responses.

With the FINE R+D 2020 update Loudsoft introduces new multi-microphone measurements, now offering a special “Boomerang” 3 Loudsoft microphone array with fixed angles and distances. The new Multimicrophone Array module for FINE R+D 2020 greatly helps making multiple microphone measurements. As an example, users can measure SPL from 3 microphones simultaneously with one click. This technique is extremely useful for off-axis measurements and multiple measurements of loudspeakers as well as large Professional Arrays. All curves are easily dragged into the Polar / Contour display for viewing the dispersion or Sound Power.

In addition, Loudsoft also offers the new 3-microphone array, combining 3 GRAS microphones into a pre-arranged pattern for different distances and angles. These microphones can be individually configured as for example one 100kHz GRAS 46BE +2 microphone, plus two less expensive 30kHz 1/4" microphones.