New additions in CL firmware V2.03 include:
• Daisy chain inserts. Users can now insert two devices into a single channel or bus.
• DCA control on master channels, stereo/mono bus or Mix Matrix
• DCA Roll out for quick (one button) access to DCA assignments on the fader banks.
• Monitor Gain reduction meters assigned to the Channel display.
• CL consoles now support the Mix minus function, which removes a specific channel signal from the signals sent to the Mix/Matrix busses.
• New functions can be assigned to the user defined keys, knobs and assignable encoders.
• Users can now temporarily unmute a muted channel in the mute group.
• Recall Safe parameters are now linked for linked channels.
• If Gain Compensation is enabled, users can link the digital gain to the analogue gain operation.
• Users can now compare the sound before and after gain adjustments during GEQ operations.
StageMix Version 4.5 adds the following features to remote iPad control of CL, QL, M7CL and LS9 consoles:
• Full control of the console’s oscillator.
• Direct channel navigation in the PEQ/GEQ/Dynamics editor screens.
• Global pre/post setting for mix sends.
• Mute group names.
• Analogue gain / digital gain linking.
• Insert 1/2 for graphic EQs.
QL firmware V1.07 delivers minor enhancements for QL console users.
The firmware updates and Editor software updates are available as free of charge downloads from www.yamahaproaudio.com. StageMix 4.5 can be downloaded free from the iTunes store or direct to an iPad via the IOS App Store app.