All items in category Industry News
AVnu Alliance Announces First Certified AVB Audio Endpoint Reference Platform From XMOS
Prof. Dr. Jörg Sennheiser Relinquishes Chairmanship — Dr. Frank Heinricht to Chair the Sennheiser Supervisory Board in 2015
“An Acoustic Primer”—A Practical Exploration of Room Acoustics
T.H.E. Show Newport will be held at The Hotel Irvine in Irvine, CA
“Introduction to AV Networking” Session Set for Wednesday, December 17, in Los Angeles
Dolby Next-Generation Cinema Experience Announced
Tech Purchases over Black Friday and Cyber Monday Increase in 2014
Audio Industry and Electronic Systems Integration Converge at Integrated Systems Europe
24-Bits Of Christmas—Linn Offers 24 Free High-Resolution Downloads
MagnaCom WAM Modulation Technology Wins 2015 CES Innovations Award