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About George Ntanavaras
George Ntanavaras graduated from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece, in 1986 with a degree in Electronic Engineering. He currently works in the Development Department for a Greek electronics company. He is interested in the design of preamplifiers, active crossovers, power amplifiers, and most loudspeakers. He also enjoys listening to classical music.

All items written by George Ntanavaras
You Can DIY!: PhL-100 - Α High-Quality MM Phono, Line, and Headphone Amplifier
You Can DIY! The PR-3 - A High-Quality Stereo Preamplifier
You Can DIY! The TSM-100 - A Turntable Speed Measurement Device
The MC100 - A High-Quality Moving Coil RIAA Preamplifier
You Can DIY! Build a Voltage and Current Peak Detector
Build A High-Quality, High-Power Headphone Amplifier
Test Your Speakers’ Performance with this DIY Measurement System