All items written by audioXpress Staff
Point Source Audio and AuviTran Announce Distribution Partnership for the Americas
Hafler Introduces HA75-DAC Headphone Amplifier and USB DAC
Avermetrics Releases 8-Channel Switch for Audio Measurements
MAGIX Releases Sound Forge Pro Mac 3 and Announces New Versions for 2017
World’s Leading Independent Labels Represented by Merlin Sign Multi-year Agreement to Encode Masters in MQA
OTTO Introduces NoizeBarrier High Definition Electronic Earplugs
Voice Coil Magazine
Merging Technologies Promotes Advantages of RAVENNA Ethernet Audio Protocol as the New Benchmark for Connectivity at High End Munich 2017
HEAD acoustics Test Equipment Allows HD Voice+ Logo Certification According to new GSMA Standard
Sennheiser Appoints Pete Ogley as Chief Operating Officer Consumer Electronics