Andy Lewis has been in the audio industry for more than 35 years and has a broad background in loudspeaker and electronics design, product management, technical sales and consulting. Andy is a member of the Audio Engineering Society (AES), CEDIA and ALTI (Formerly ALMA), and has many close ties to the audio industry. He has an engineering degree from Northeastern University of Boston, MA, and has worked with AR (Acoustic Research), Signet, B&W Loudspeakers, EAW Eastern Acoustic Works, Apogee Acoustics and, most recently, was Materion’s Global Sales Manager for beryllium speaker and headphone components. SOUND Product Strategy provides consulting services to companies in the audio industry.
Based in Horsholm, Denmark, Loudsoft was founded in 2000 by Peter Larsen, translating his vast experience working with the world’s top speaker companies into a respected range of software and hardware solutions. Loudsoft offers loudspeaker and headphone design software, test equipment and consulting services. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to enable audio engineers to design, develop and test superior audio products.
Already this year, Loudsoft announced a range of new features and updates for its FINEMotor PRO 2021 transducer development software, now adding calculations of voice coil inductance over excursion plus accurate BL(x) in difficult cases. The basic Magnet system dimensions are created in FINEMotor PRO. Then various shorting rings and cap distortion reduction enhancements can be adaptively specified from an interactive menu. The Scale View will now show the actual components before performing FEM analysis. FINEMotor is now available in a Standard and a Pro version, both containing 36000 FEA calculations, with the Pro version allowing advanced calculations including oval and square magnetic systems that are most commonly used in the design of micro speakers.
The new FINE R+D X 2021 solution now features a new Signal Generator with Pure Sine wave outputs and user set sweeps. The new Signal Generator module will output a pure, very low distortion sine wave, at the speaker output (LS) or on the Line Out. The default Line level is 100mV, instead of 1V, which could produce >100W using a large power amplifier. Users can select both frequency (Hz) and level (Vrms), as well as a continuous (repeating) sweep with a start and stop frequency, as well as duration (s) and level (Vrms). By selecting a limited range (say 100-500Hz at 2.7s) users get a very detailed sweep, which is ideal for listening and detecting problems.
Also of note is the latest FINEBox software update, which allows designing the ideal box for an existing driver, determining the ideal driver TS parameters for a given cabinet, equate Max Flat Bass Reflex Responses for various TS-parameters, simulate calculations with round/oval and rectangular venting ports, and design ABR / Passive Radiators.
Reach out to Andy Lewis by email.
or call +1-603-957-0115.