HD Voice+ comprises the EVS (Enhanced Voice Services) codec operated in super-wideband or fullband modes and the enhancements to terminals and networks according to the requirements defined in TS.23 Annex H. Due to newly defined requirements regarding e.g. jitter, packet loss and delay, HEAD acoustics’ measurement equipment - including appropriate software and hardware solutions - is perfectly suited for achieving HD Voice+ logo certification for 4G setups.

With the advanced communication quality analysis system ACQUA in combination with the measurement front end MFE VIII.1, EVS codec option Cod-EVS as well as the software option MFE VIII.1-IMP, HEAD acoustics provides appropriate solutions for testing accordingly. Cod-EVS supports all specified bandwidths from narrowband to fullband and all bit rates and modes (handset, handheld hands-free and headset). The option MFE VIII.1-IMP enables users to simulate different IP network impairments, such as delay, jitter, or packet loss, directly at the source of the signal and to apply it to the outgoing IP packets of the MFE VIII.1.
HEAD acoustics' implementation of the required measurements is unique in the way the MFE VIII.1-IMP front end attaches the impairment information to the time signal before encoding, confirming that the same impairments are always applied to the same part of the time signal, regardless of the DTX state. This way, network impairments are reproducible even with activated DTX.

©HEAD acoustics GmbH
The minimum performance requirements defined for HD Voice+ logo certification refer to Release 13.0 of the two standards TS 26.131 and TS 26.132, published by the 3GPP standardization body. Mobile vendors, network operators and manufacturers from the automotive industry have to make sure that their devices or applications fulfil the required speech quality acoustical characteristics and speech processing in order to use the HD Voice+ logo.