HEAD acoustics is promoting this conference in San Francisco as a way to provide an updated and practical look at all automotive and mobility voice and noise applications - as only smaller, highly targeted events like these are able to provide. The event will include presentations and practical demos exploring how technology is reshaping the mobility landscape with plenty of opportunity for demos and hands-on experiences.
The comprehensive agenda will cover all the relevant angles driving the evolution of automotive acoustics from noise and vibrations, speech and sound quality evaluation, to sound design and engineering. Some of the topics to be covered will precisely address the latest in automotive solutions, such as connected vehicle audio systems, as well as the future of in-car audio experiences and what lies ahead for automotive soundscapes.
Throughout the presentations participants will understand how the most advanced hardware and software test and measurement tools in the industry can shape an improved understanding of the automotive experience. And although the general topics are focused on the voice and noise challenges in mobility, some sessions will also address aerospace applications as well as the use of personal audio devices in autonomous vehicles.
The presentations are scheduled to start on the Wednesday afternoon, May 8, ending with networking and social activities after 5pm. Thursday May 9, provides a full day of presentations, hands-on demos, and plenty of networking opportunities during breaks and meals. Although the agenda will be lead mostly by HEAD acoustics engineers from Germany and the US, there will be guest presentations by companies such as Zoox, Yobe, Polytec, Qualcomm, and others.
Some highlights of the confirmed agenda include an opening presentation by Prof. Klaus Genuit (HEAD acoustics GmbH) addressing the significance of traffic noise and acoustic sounds in urban development and the role of the new ISO 12913 series Soundscape standard. Also on the first day, Jesse Gratke (HEAD acoustics Inc) will discuss how to test a voice interface outside of the standardized scenarios, Jacob Soendergaard (HEAD acoustics Inc) will explore why people still continue to use handsets in the car, and Andre Schevciw (Qualcomm) will talk about the ETSI TS 103 640 speech transmission standard in Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) devices.
Already on Thursday May 9, Matthias Wegerhoff (HEAD acoustics GmbH) will present a session on the use of modal analysis and other methods for acoustic engineering, including auralization, followed by Stefan Hank (HEAD acoustics GmbH) talking about the experience of sound design for electric vehicles and the differences in perception for various target markets. Expanding on that topic, Marc Marroquin (HEAD acoustics Inc) will address the sounds electric vehicles produce while they charge in a session titled "Do EV’s Dream of Electric Sheep?"
The sessions expand on a more practical perspective with Jan Reimes (HEAD acoustics GmbH) addressing testing of speech recognition and dialogue systems in the car, Eric Lawrence (Polytec) talking about using laser vibrometry for acoustic response and sound quality measurements, and Frank Kettler (HEAD acoustics GmbH) addressing how to optimize the acoustic environment for passengers and design "acoustic zones" using a combination of techniques. Jan Reimes will also present a session about Bluetooth LE Audio and the implications for testing speech and audio applications using the updated specifications.
The MOBILITY Voice and Noise Conference, May 8-9, 2024 takes place at The Presidio Golden Gate Club and Presidio Officer’s Club. The Presidio does offer accommodation, and also a free shuttle service to the conference from around town.
General Admission registration is only $349. The conference is free to attend for participants from a company with a current SMA contract with HEAD acoustics.
Registration is now available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/head-acoustics-mobility-voice-and-noise-conference-tickets-729001552267