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About Jan Didden
Jan Didden has written for audioXpress since the 1970s and he is the magazine’s Technical Editor. He is retired following a career with the Netherlands Air Force and NATO. He worked in logistics, air defense, and information technology. Retirement has provided him with the time to finish all the audio projects that have piled up for decades. He sometimes writes about them on his website Didden is also known as the publisher and managing editor of the twice-yearly bookzine Linear Audio, which he published until 2018. He is currently teaching audio electronics for enthusiast hobbyists and serious amateurs in the Belgian city of Hasselt. More information is available at

All items written by Jan Didden
ICEpower Unveils Cutting-Edge ICC5 Audio IC for High-Performance Class D Amplifiers
Bandwidth, Slew Rate and All That Jazz
Audio Myths: Feedback Re-Entrant Distortion. Should We Worry?
Audio Myths: Feedback Cannot Fix What Has Already Happened
Grimm Audio: Building the Dream
Headphone Immersive Audio, Head Tracking, and Virtual Speakers
Book Review: Learning Audio Testing and Measurements
Audio Myths: Why Narrow Bandwidth May Be Better also in the Time Domain.
Audio Myths: Why Narrow Bandwidth May Be Better
The Internal Life of Vacuum Tubes