All items written by audioXpress Staff
DiGiCo Appoints Austin Freshwater as New General Manager
Get the Positive Energy of Tubes with audioXpress May 2017, Now Available!
Audionamix Releases TRAX Pro 3 SP Speech-Specific Separation Software at Musikmesse 2017
Sennheiser Updates Iconic Logo and Brand Design
New Amped Studio Free Hybrid Digital Audio Workstation
Adam Hall Group Introduces MAUI P900 Portable PA Concept in Collaboration with Porsche Design Studio
Yamaha Introduces New Control Surface for RIVAGE PM10 digital mixing system and Significant Updates at ProLight+Sound 2017
DiGiCo Introduces ’Stadius' Mic Pre-Amp and More Operational Options for Live Mixing
JBL Professional New VTX A12 Line Array Introduced at Prolight+Sound 2017
FaitalPro Introduces Three New Woofers at Prolight+Sound 2017