Analog simulation is often a crucial step for circuit design, where complicated device interactions can be difficult to refine and debug in hardware. The proper simulation tools can help designers avoid significant risk—decreasing time to market and saving costly hardware revisions. The MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator can test a circuit or sub-circuit, including transient and stability analyses, providing valuable estimation for the target circuit operation.
Many applications require simulation before production. In the past, larger companies were often reliant on third-party providers or internal development for their analog component models, while many smaller companies wanted to run simulations but were not able to afford tool licenses for a full software package. The features and affordability of the MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator make it an excellent option for everyone.

The updated software package now includes support for additional Digitally Enhanced Power Analog (DEPA) controllers, linear regulators, MOSFET drivers and LED drivers not present in previous software releases. In addition, it is based on the SIMetrix/SIMPLIS 8.1 software package, with added support for file-defined piecewise linear sources, Laplace transform transfer functions, arbitrary filters, Fourier analysis plots, transmission line modeling and improved convergence in the SIMetrix environment. The update also added convergence reporting to help with debug issues in the SIMetrix environment.
The MPLAB Mindi Analog Simulator complements the compiler and integrated development environment Microchip is famous for, adding analog simulation capabilities. The updated Mindi analog simulation software is available as a free download by visiting: http://www.microchip.com/mindi