And speaking of innovation in loudspeaker technology, check this month’s article By Mike Klasco and Steve Tatarunis on Microspeaker Design. If there’s an area in the industry that’s evolving faster than any other it is this class of small to really tiny drivers, used in a diverse range of applications from consumer electronics to audio-enabled electronic projects. As the article explains, most microspeaker vendors started out making low-end devices such as TV speakers, buzzers and tiny PC speakers, but the recent proliferation of smartphones and other miniature audio devices provided new opportunities, leading to the creation of giant industrial companies in this field. With production of more than 1 billion units per year and orders from smartphone makers, no wonder innovation in this area is happening at a fast pace.
And if you want to learn more about the major players in micro speakers and mobile electronics for those applications, check out the directory compiled by Nora Wong, with a comprehensive description of the companies.
Charlie Hughes (Excelsior Audio Design & Services) discusses Measurements for Loudspeaker Modeling Files. This is an area increasingly required by manufacturers who want to provide their clients with the tools needed for analysis and prediction software and processing. Loudspeaker modeling files are most often used with acoustical modeling programs such as EASE, Focus, CATT-Acoustic, and others to help determine how well the loudspeakers cover the audience areas and how much “spill” there is on the room’s surfaces. Charlie Hughes shares his experience on how to do it and what is required to achieve those measurements.
And, there's nothing more innovative than those inventions that no one was able to predict could happen, much less understand how they are achieved. In this month's Acoustic Patents, James Croft (Croft Acoustical) addresses one of those inventions on a Dual-Level Rotational and Precision Linear Magnified Amplitude Transduction Loudspeaker. Disclosed as a new class of low-frequency loudspeaker system, developed by the prolific father/son invention team of
Abril Tonto and Abril Tonto, Jr., the solution is said to have large potential for its high acoustic power density, small enclosure volumes, and extended low-frequency bandwidth. So much so, that even James Croft doesn't hesitate to call it revolutionary.

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