As the world continues to navigate the challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, JD Events, the promoters of the AXPONA (Audio Expo North America) show continue to be focused on 2021 and making plans with the health and safety of exhibitors, attendees and press in mind. Given the continued unpredictability and the expectation that restrictions on travel and large gatherings continue into 2021, JD Events anticipated it would not be wise to hold AXPONA in April 2021 as usual. The audio show was initially scheduled for August, and meanwhile rescheduled again for October 29 – 31, 2021.

"We miss seeing you in person and are optimistic we can all gather again this year. Our team is closely monitoring the vaccine rollout, international travel rules, and state and local government regulations for holding indoor events in 2021. Based on this holistic perspective, and given that the summer months remain unpredictable, we have decided to take advantage of an opportunity to move AXPONA two months later from August 27 – 29 to October 29 – 31, 2021," stated Liz Miller Smith VP, Event Director for AXPONA.
"Our sole priority is to hold AXPONA safely in 2021. There is an increasing concern among event organizers that large indoor events may not be safely held until the fall months of 2021. Based on this concern, the August dates are on the cusp of when many people may feel safe attending large shows. So, when late October dates were recently offered to us, we chose to increase our likelihood of holding AXPONA for you in a safe environment this year. The two extra months should prove crucial, allowing for more of the general public to be vaccinated and better rapid testing for consumers, industry and press to feel more confident to attend. This also allows us the opportunity to observe tradeshows in other industries that open prior to us, so we can learn which safety measures work best and implement the most effective and accepted practices at AXPONA," she adds
"We hope the fall this year will be busy with many eager to travel and get back out to events. You have our sincerest appreciation for your support and understanding as we adapt to the changing landscape. We look forward to bringing the audio community together again and doing what we do best – celebrating and enjoying high-fidelity music, in-person at AXPONA," states Mark Freed, VP Sales AXPONA.

Exhibiting companies and attendees do not need to take any action regarding the new dates. Their participation will automatically transfer to October.
October 2021
October 29 - 31
Audio Expo North America (AXPONA)
Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel & Convention Center, Schaumburg, IL