ALMA International's Speaker Builders Workshop will follow the development of a loudspeaker from conception to the end product testing: Design, specs, FEM modeling, parts, assembly, and testing/QC. Each attendee at this workshop will actually build a working loudspeaker as part of the education experience.
Several industry leaders have stepped forward to sponsor and present this workshop:
COMSOL www.comsol.com
Eminence Speaker www.eminence.com
Hernon Manufacturing www.hernon .com
Audio Precision www.ap.comm
Virtually every person from management to marketing to engineering to product development will benefit from the higher level of understanding of the process gained from this workshop. Attendance will be limited, and details will be released soon through ALMA's newsletter and website. ALMA is also appealing for more content and papers for AISE2019, and there are still many sponsorship opportunities, as well as spaces available for exhibitors and new participating companies.
After many years of holding ALMA's annual event prior to CES in January, the association has made the strategic move to align with InfoComm starting in 2019. The alliance will lead to more crossover attendees between the two events as well as more involvement in the Pro Sound arena for AISE2019 exhibitors and attendees. The even takes place just prior to InfoComm 2019, at the Double Tree by Hilton Universal, Orlando.

ALMA International is a global not for profit, Member owned association dedicated to business and technical professionals in the audio and loudspeaker technologies industry. ALMA offers a forum to present, promote, and to do business while presenting content to enhance knowledge and skills and promoting mutually beneficial relationships between our Members.
For more information go to https://almaint.org