The new Allen & Heath Chrome Edition GLD-80 and GLD-112 mixers have been redesigned with a new metallic livery, while the AR84 and AR2412 AudioRacks have received a sleek black finish. GLD Chrome firmware adds Auto Mic Mixing capability and further additions to the comprehensive processing suite, including faithfully crafted new FX and channel-based compressor emulations.
According to the British company, the automatic mic mixer (AMM) can be configured to work across all 44 microphone sources, allowing the user to select which inputs should be auto-mixed without the usual restrictions of a 16 channel insert based system. The AMM can be set to work in two modes – ‘D-Classic’ dynamic gain sharing for a simple quick set-up, and ‘Number of Open Microphones’ (NOM) logic gate technology for a more flexible and sophisticated auto mix. A Best Mic Lock system detects cross talk between different sources and limits open microphones.
GLD Chrome firmware includes a unique new DEEP Plug-In architecture that allows users to select from a number of different processing units on every input and mix channel. Two new RMS-VCA inspired compressor models, the 16T and 16VU, are included. Integrated within the mixer’s channel processing, all six compressor models can be selected on any of the input and mix channels on the fly, without burning valuable FX slots or adding latency.
The new version 1.5 Chrome firmware also features several additions to Allen & Heath’s on-board FX suite, including a new Stereo Tap Delay, with 2.7 second maximum delay time, split LR beat fraction control, millisecond mode, and comprehensive Tap Tempo functions. There is a new Bucket Brigade delay emulating the non-linearity of solid state delay units, and Echo, a faithful emulation of the classic tape echo system popular in the 1970’s, a distinctly recognizable sound which models tape non-linearity and filtering characteristics.
The GLD Chrome Edition will be shown for the first time at Prolight+Sound 2015 and is shipping now.