"The Audio & Loudspeaker Technologies International Board of Directors has determined that it was in the best interest of its members and associates to cancel ALTI-EXPO 2020," the ALTI announcement states. "The worldwide health crisis has made any mass gathering a risk at least, and a violation of laws in some cases. This is a time to take care of ourselves and each other, and to get through this health emergency together. ALTI will do everything to help our members prepare for the rebound."
In its message to exhibitors confirming the cancellation, Barry Vogel, ALTI Executive Director also states, "We have held out the hope and belief that the situation would be substantially eased by the dates of ALTI-EXPO in June. Unfortunately, everyday the crisis kept escalating and InfoComm was also cancelled. We will now shift our focus to helping our members."
For now, ALTI also confirmed that the association's efforts in 2020 will be focused on helping its member companies and professionals during the COVID-19 emergency, helping the confirmed ALTI 2020 exhibitors to communicate their offerings and information to the industry, and in building a bigger, better, compelling ALTI-EXPO 2021 edition, in Orlando, FL.
The original ALTI Expo 2020 promotion can be found here: https://audioxpress.com/news/start-planning-for-alti-expo-2020
More information about ALMA/ALTI and its activities can be found here: https://audioxpress.com/tags/ALMA-International
ALTI is a not for profit trade association founded as ALMA in 1964. ALTI is operated for and by professionals in the Audio and Loudspeaker Technologies industry to promote and enhance knowledge, business activity, and cutting edge technology. For more information, visit the ALTI website below or send an email to Barry Vogel, ALTI Executive Director.