The final schedule has been updated with an important opening session by Peter Larsen (Loudsoft) on the FINECone 2020/Geometry Modeler and FINEBox 2020. Peter Larsen will talk about fingertip tuning of ABR’s (Passive Radiators) and Rectangular Ports and how in the new FINEBox software users can play with the response tuning and quickly find the most flat /extended bass reflex response. He will also detail how the new Geometry Modeler in FINECone 2020 makes life much easier for engineers by being adaptive.
Already confirmed are exciting presentations by Simon Dinaburg (Dinaburg Technology) on a new patented technology that promises to fundamentally change "the way sound is produced from an electrodynamic transducer based on fundamental principles of physics," and by Mike Klasco (Menlo Scientific) discussing a wide range of new formulations of materials – with enhanced acoustical characteristics that have recently entered the market (this session was rescheduled from the first event).
For all those involved in product development, Alfred J. Svobodnik, Tommaso Nizzoli, Ralph Haddad, and Thomas Gmeiner (Mvoid) will expand on virtual product development and why it has become an important tool in the creation of new acoustic products. Also in the same field of simulation, Stephen Thompson (Penn State University) will address multidomain modeling of acoustic transducers using Simulink and Simscape software tools, while Kirill Shaposhnikov (COMSOL) will present a workshop, divided into two sessions, with an overview on the capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics in loudspeaker simulation to different level of complexities, including a session about using the trial software to create a simplified loudspeaker model right in the classroom.
Another essential moment will be a Virtual Facility Tour of the Warkwyn new lab, demo, and listening spaces. Kent Peterson (Warkwyn Associates) will offer a quick spin around the spaces and capabilities, explaining how the company uses both Microflown and Klippel instrumentation. And for those interested in headphones and hearables, Tom Miller (Knowles Corp.) will explain how to create effective ANC systems in wireless earphones and hearables, and will share what he learned in his own development work.
Wolfgang Klippel (Klippel GmbH) will also present a pre-recorded tutorial to discuss the maximization of the performance/cost ratio which considers physical, perceptual and other non-technical features and the cost structure of the product. The tutorial focuses on the assessment of the sound quality and discusses listening tests, auralization techniques and perceptual modeling to define the audibility threshold and the impact on the end-user value to generate acceptable tolerances.
Finally, Mike Klasco (Menlo Scientific) will do a presentation on the audio industry's supply-chain, what parts of the audio business could and should be brought back to the US and Europe, and the delicate balance between leverage China's capabilities and existing partnerships, together with an expansion to other territories like Vietnam. The session will review the landscape of long established as well as new speaker factories in many countries, followed by a discussion on how should ALTI help its members navigate through the storm.
The schedule for the July 15 presentations, together with the sessions abstracts, are available now at https://almaint.org/virtual-alti-expo-2/
And registration is open!
Since Audio & Loudspeaker Technologies International (ALTI), was forced to cancel its ALTI-EXPO 2020 due to the global pandemic, the association looked for another way to serve Members and Exhibitors without risking travel. On June 15, there was a series of online sessions presented as a service to the ALTI's members and the industry. Nine of the webinar sessions are available directly on ALTI's website. The first Virtual ALTI-EXPO sessions from June 15, are available free here: https://almaint.org/elementor-6293/
These include sessions by Mvoid Engineering, NTi Audio, Klippel GmbH, Michigan Tech University, USound GmbH, HEAD acoustics, Resonado, and the Engineering Student’s Guide to Loudspeaker Design session by Mark Glazer (ALTI Board of Directors and Harman International).
As trade shows and events have been cancelled one after the other, these online initiatives are essential to keep everyone connected, as the Executive Director of ALTI, Barry Vogel, explains. "Make no mistake; trade shows are the life-blood of many, if not most, associations, and ALTI is no exception. The pain is real. When ALTI was forced to cancel our annual event, ALTI-EXPO 2020, we knew full well the financial stress that this would place upon the association. ALTI cannot survive as an association unless its community brings consistent value to our Members. If the value is real, the support will follow."
"We are offering Virtual ALTI-EXPO for FREE to anyone who wishes to attend, regardless of whether or not you are a Member. We are deriving NO revenue from this event. Of course, it is our hope that both Members and non-members will take note of ALTI's commitment to the industry and commit to joining or renewing Memberships," Vogel adds.
Until the next ALTI-EXPO 2021, scheduled for June 13 & 14, 2021 in Orlando, this is the best way to keep the audio and loudspeaker industry connected and active.
Register and check the schedule at: https://almaint.org/virtual-alti-expo-2/