All items written by audioXpress Staff
B&O PLAY Announces Beoplay M3, the Most Compact Member of its Wireless Home Speaker Family
Introducing Exponential Audio Advanced Surround Reverbs With 3D Option
GRAS Sound & Vibration Announces High Resolution Ear Simulator for Reliable Measurements of Headphones and Earphones up to 20 kHz
XMOS Provides XFV3000 Voice Processor for eMeet OfficeCore M1 Wireless Conference Speaker
Ultrasone Presents Edition 15 Open Reference Headphones with new GTC Drivers
Allen & Heath Launches New 96kHz SQ Digital Mixer Series
miniDSP Announces "EARS" Earphone Audio Response System Calibrated Test Jig for Headphone Measurements
Ultrasone Introduces Signature DXP Closed-back Headphones
FlexTech and PARC Cooperate on Ultra-Thin, Flexible Audio Speaker Development
Family Designed 'Clever Speaker' Launches on Kickstarter