There were also all the foreign editions released over the years. Now in 2023, it’s time to release what I consider to be by far the best edition yet, the 8th Edition of the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook (LDC). This book has gone from the 53-page spiral-bound first edition in 1977, to the soft-bound 275-page 7th Edition in 2006, to the new 352-page color hardbound and soft-bound 8th Edition shown here!

Chapter 8 — Loudspeaker Testing (revised)
Chapter 9 — Computer-Based Tools for Loudspeaker Development
Chapter 10 — Room Hardware and Software Solutions
Chapter 12 — Home Theater Loudspeakers (revised)
Chapter 13 — Studio Monitors
Chapter 14 — Hybrid Loudspeakers
Besides that, the entire book has been completely typeset in a new font and layout, and to make it even more readable, and the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook 8 is being published in color for the first time.

The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook Volume I and Volume II
Besides releasing a new expanded Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, the 8th edition is also referenced as Volume I. And this is because KCK Media also released the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook Volume II, which was the original intended title of my second book that was originally released as "Loudspeaker Recipes Volume I." Because this book was published before PDFs were the established media for publishing, it was done on a compugraph, and the pages were lost when Audio Amateur Publications changed hands twice, and ultimately became KCK Media.
After being out of print for the last five years, this valuable crossover design tutorial was the "advanced course" in passive crossover development and is as useful and relevant today in 2023 as it was when it was published in 1995. The original out-of-print book is being reprinted and is now being offered as the new companion volume to Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, as I originally intended it to be.
It has the same front cover as LDC8, but will be titled "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook, Volume II." Both books will initially only be sold by KCK Media and will be available at a special introductory price, via to purchase a copy, either softbound or hardbound, with a special two-volume offer as well.

Here's more detail on what's new for the Eight Edition:
• New Chapter 8 — “Loudspeaker Testing” has been substantially revised and includes specifics on the Fixed Mmd method for calculating cone assembly mass, a more complete definition of acoustic phase, an updated list of computer-based TSP (Thiele Small Parameters) measurement hardware, plus a discussion of the various types of loudspeaker measurements and how they relate to driver quality and system design integrity.
• New Chapter 9 — “Computer Based Tools for Loudspeaker Development” has been completely revised to include current offerings of computer-based loudspeaker measurement analyzers, as well as loudspeaker enclosure and crossover simulation software.
• New Chapter 10 — “Room Measurement Equipment and Room Correction Solutions” now includes a survey of room measurement analyzers, plus a discussion on room acoustics, room treatment and digital room correction devices.
• New Chapter 12 — “Home Theater Loudspeakers” has been extensively revised, including details on Dolby Atmos and Immersive Audio.
• New Chapter 13 — “Studio Monitor Loudspeakers” is a new chapter that explains the difference between hi-fi loudspeakers and studio monitors, provides the professional criteria for studio monitor design, the constant directivity aspect of studio monitors, and a dissertation on zero phase in studio monitors.
• New Chapter 14 — “Hybrid Loudspeakers” is an exciting new chapter that explores the subject of hybrid active/passive and digital/analog loudspeaker development and includes a tutorial design example for an ultra-high-end hybrid monitor loudspeaker.

What have the Audio Press and Loudspeaker Industry Engineers and Experts been saying about the 8th Edition of the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook?
- Sound On Sound magazine: Phil Ward, the journalist who reviews all of the studio monitors in SOS, and is a speaker engineer in his own right, concluded: "LDC is not a book you'll read from cover to cover, and nobody's ever going to write that it’s ‘unputdownable’, but as a resource to dip in and out of and which contains a very significant proportion of everything there is to know about the practice of speaker design, it is unique and completely unrivaled." You can read the entire review at
- ProductionExpert is an online magazine for recording engineers. LDC8 was reviewed by the editor of Production Expert and studio professional, Julian Rodgers, who wrote: "Highly recommended, it’s an unashamedly technical read, very detailed (nearly 400 pages). But if you want to design and build speakers, or just get some really top quality information on why speakers are built the way they are, this is the book you need."
- Peter Larson, CEO and the engineering talent behind Loudsoft products: "Vance Dickason superbly describes how studio monitors and hybrid loudspeakers measure and work both in studios and in the home. Vance explains loudspeaker design both scientifically and practically better than anyone else."
- L. Paul Hales, CEO and Chief Engineer of Pro Audio Technology and Theory Audio Design: "LDC8 really is an achievement. You should be proud of that sucker!"
- Sean Olive, Ph.D Senior Research Fellow at Harman International (Past President at the Audio Engineering Society): "This nice brand new book just came in the mail signed by the author, Vance Dickason. What a wealth of information for a loudspeaker designer and enthusiast. Looking forward to reading it." (Facebook Post)
- Jann Evers, Engineering Sales Director of Scan-Speak: "Vance did it again... the 8th edition of the LDC is yet again a step up from earlier versions, this time a big step up. Keeping all the good stuff from previous versions, updated with the latest technologies and acoustic know-how. And as a "Scan-Speaker" I am very happy to see our products and technologies mentioned in several chapters of the book. And I am particularly pleased to see chapter 14th dedicated to my late colleague Birger Jorgensen. This is a MUST-HAVE book for acousticians worldwide!"
- Manfred Diestertich. R&D Manager / Chief Engineer, Audio Physic GmbH: "For more than 40 years, LDC and Voice Coil have helped me to design better loudspeakers. Without a doubt LDC 8 is the best edition yet, and hopefully it is not the last!"
- Lars Risbo, Ph.D., and co-founder of Purifi Audio: "LDC8 is a great source of overview and inspiration for me. It has now a very broad coverage and the comprehensive list of references and is very helpful for further in depth studies."
- Patrick Turnmire, Chief Engineer of Red Rock Acoustics (and whose name is on 40+ transducer patents – including the Dolby Atmos patent!): "Everyone who has had an interest in building their own speakers started by reading the "Loudspeaker Design Cookbook." Over its now 8 editions, it has gone from being the perfect beginning guide to all things loudspeaker to an incredibly comprehensive engineering textbook. The chapter on Studio Monitors is one of the latest additions. It explores the history, theory, design and practical application in a way that simply has never been done. The entire book is filled with gorgeous illustrations, graphs featuring the latest state of the art test equipment and design software – and the clear concise explanations that make it all accessible and easy to understand."
- Brent Butterworth, Technical Journalist, Loudspeaker Engineer, audioXpress regular contributor, and full time staff writer at NYT's Wirecutter: "This is an extensive and highly useful update to the book that's been my loudspeaker bible for almost 30 years. The new material goes really deep, and even veteran speaker designers will likely learn a lot from it. It's also fun to read, and unlike so many engineering texts, it never forced me to go over paragraphs repeatedly to understand them."
- David Nelson, Chief Engineer at Portland Audio Labs (and 20+ year veteran as Chief Engineer of Triad Speakers!): "Audio Professionals and hobbyists alike can mark time in audio by what edition of the iconic Loudspeaker Design Cookbook they first encountered. Beginning with a music performance background, and through an amazing career in audio art and engineering, Vance brings forth the most comprehensive LDC yet, with insightful analysis of current audio topics as well as updates to previous work. For LDC 8, Voice Coil and other publications, tireless dedication to advancing good sound, and just being a generous and positive force in the industry, many thanks!"
- James Croft, Chief Engineer at Croft Acoustical (not to mention former CTO of Carver Corp., CTO of American Technology Corp., co-founder of Definitive Audio, and Patent reviewer for Voice Coil magazine!) has this to say: "Vance Dickason has updated his classic text for loudspeaker builders at all levels of experience and expertise. Besides being a useful favorite among DIY'ers, over the years I have seen previous versions of the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook in numerous loudspeaker engineering departments, with their copies as well loved and dog-eared as my own personal ones.
"A significant aspect of LDC8 is that it not only tells you the most recent hardware and software you can use to provide shortcuts to great performance, but it also continues to include information from early versions that teach the formulas for hand calculations and practical techniques so one can really understand the underlying principles that are involved to get a true "feel" for the process of developing high performance loudspeaker systems.
"Now with version 8 of LCD, Vance has taken the book to a new level of exploring unique advanced issues and includes up to date information on deep acoustical subjects. The latest version also includes useful, hands on, advanced and practical information that you will not learn at any university."
"LDC8 is a generous gift to our industry from a dedicated and studied loudspeaker engineer that deeply understands what a loudspeaker needs to deliver, as he is also a seasoned musician. Thanks, Vance!"
- Mike Klasco, Founder, President, Product Development Consultant at Menlo Scientific (Menlo is celebrating its 40th Year as an important worldwide manufacturing consultancy to customers such as Apple, Intel, Lawrence National Labs at UC Berkeley, Dupont and ExxonMobil to name a few! Mike also writes for Voice Coil and audioXpress): "Both a practical treasure of best practices and the thinking behind them as well as a reference book on the history of loudspeaker development. Vance’s antidotal asides on where he applied the techniques on real world speakers, especially the new chapters on the speaker-room interaction and hybrid active/passive design engages and is a catalyst to innovation to all readers."

The 8th Edition of the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook can be ordered online and it will be mailed straight to your address. Order you copy here.