Digidesign ProControl and Control|24 are professional, powerful audio control surfaces that stopped working with Pro Tools 11 and later when Pro Tools was modernized for 64-bit operating systems. Leaving owners of the surfaces no choice but to EOL (end-of-life) their investments, many were vocal on forums requesting someone rise to the challenge of getting them to work using the HUI Protocol.
At the time when they were introduced, the Digidesign ProControl and Digidesign Control|24 mixing surfaces were cutting edge solutions and they were not cheap, the reason why many studios kept using them, even though the evolution of software has determined that they should be considered obsolete. With this update to its software control solution, Neyrinck introduces the only solution available for such legacy devices to work with Pro Tools (11, 12, 2018, and 2019), Logic Pro X, Cubase, and Nuendo.
Founder Paul Neyrinck quickly stepped up after using the same protocol to control Pro Tools with the V-Console app for tablets and phones. After that, Neyrinck did extensive work to make these surfaces integrate well with Logic Pro X, Cubase, and Nuendo, which has never been previously possible.
“This update has ProControl and Control|24 owners jumping for joy, literally,” states Neyrinck. “These are wonderful surfaces to use when mixing and recording. ProControl’s faders and buttons are incredible, but their users have seen support recede over time. I’m thrilled to resurrect them, and I am currently working on adding V-Control Pro support for more control surfaces.”

Until now, ProControl and Control|24 surfaces have not been supported by any other DAW than Pro Tools. V-Control Pro already supported several DAWs with its V-Console app for tablets and phones, so it was a natural fit to connect them to ProControl and Control|24. However, these surfaces provide a lot of features and integrating them to Logic Pro X, Cubase, and Nuendo required several months of development that delayed its release in order to provide the professional user-experience that Neyrinck’s products are known for.
Three versions of V-Control Pro are available now in the Neyrinck store:
V-Control Pro Free can be installed with limited features for a free trial.
V-Control Pro Bundle is US $49.99/year.
V-Control Bundle Full License is US $199.
Neyrinck also produces the SoundCode tools which integrate Dolby technologies with DAWs.