Addressing music production, that who’s who of audio pros includes Morten Lindberg, Richard King and George Massenburg. In the specialty area of electronic music production, David Miles Huber, Andre Maletz and others join the list. Add Darcy Proper and Jonathan Wyner in the coverage of mastering, while broadcast specialists include Chris Pike, Paul Morgan and Matthieu Parmentier. Digital coding expertise presenters include Juergen Herre and Jamie Angus with transducer measurement and perception sessions by the likes of Dr. Sean Olive, Wolfgang Klippel and Christopher Struck.
AES Berlin Convention Technical Program sessions offer unique and exclusive presentations giving a variety of informative and often-entertaining insights into the best in professional audio:
Papers Sessions
Serving as much of the basis for the Audio Engineering Society’s pioneering role in the advancement of audio technology, research paper presentations and discussion are held throughout the four days of the convention, offering detailed analysis and overview of the nuts-and-bolts of what makes audio tick. With over a hundred paper presentations to be given, topics cover specific areas of interest in Live Sound, Game Audio, Product Design, Recording and Production, and more – from loudspeaker design, to 3D audio rendering, guitar tone perception analysis, online collaboration and beyond.
Preliminary Papers Sessions: www.aes.org/events/142/papers/
The popular Workshops sessions held at AES Conventions each year offer yet another format for professional discussion and dissemination of the latest developments in audio, inviting panels of experts for both practical and provocative discussion of current trends in audio production. Topics vary from music mixing, to metadata, audio encoding, mics, and VR, as well as special discussion on professional audio in the convention’s host city, titled “Berlin: Center of Electronic Music - Production, Mixing, Sound Design, and the Community.” Workshop topics will range from the practical application of technology, to undoubtedly fascinating discussions that the international AES community can uniquely address - such as the session “Intercultural influences in subjective audio quality evaluation.”
Preliminary Workshops Sessions: www.aes.org/events/142/workshops/
Offering a variety of practical application topics and experiences, the Tutorials portions of the Technical Program provide a varied horizon of presentations on important audio fundamentals for all level of audio enthusiasts and professionals alike. From signal processing in music production, to streaming, audio forensics, creating audio for VR, and other topics, the Tutorials sessions bring together application concepts from some of the top names in audio.
Preliminary Tutorials Sessions: www.aes.org/events/142/tutorials/
Technical Tours
Available on a first-come first-served basis, these popular tours will take attendees to a variety of must-see audio-related facilities and production spaces for a behind-the-scenes look. The Berlin Convention tours will feature visits to the Museum of Communications, the Emil Berliner Studios, educational facilities, and various other top studios in the area. Tickets must be purchased onsite at the Convention.
Preliminary Tech Tours: www.aes.org/events/142/tours/
Student and Career Development Events
Another important function of the AES is fostering the educational and career-oriented potential of its membership and the audio community as a whole. Every year, leading educational facilities and universities from around the world participate in AES convention Student and Career events – from the popular Education Fair, to Student Delegate Assembly meetings and the popular Recording and Design competitions. Additionally, critique sessions offer students the opportunity to get professional input and suggestions on their productions. The AES Berlin Convention is the place where those seeking to further their professional audio career can network and engage with experts from every aspect of audio, while also becoming a part of the AES and audio engineering community as a whole.
Preliminary Student and Career Events: www.aes.org/events/142/students/
Advance Registration pricing on All Access badges and onsite accommodations is available online – act now to save money and valuable time while in Berlin. Make plans to attend these and other events at the AES Berlin Convention, and get best-possible Advance Registration pricing for a limited time. Find out more at aeseurope.com
Online Registration: www.aes.org/events/142/registration
Hotel and Venue Information: www.aes.org/events/142/attendees/hotel/