PMC is a UK-based, world-leading manufacturer of loudspeaker systems, with an extended range of solutions, from ultra-critical professional monitors for studio applications, to very high-quality speakers for the home. The company's proprietary Advanced Transmission Line (ATL) bass-loading technology, cutting-edge amplification and advanced DSP techniques are the foundations for PMC's loudspeakers, allowing sound reproduction with the highest possible resolution, and without coloration or distortion.
The Institute of Professional Sound (IPS), a limited company and a registered charity in the United Kingdom, promotes standards and professional recognition for its members in the media industries. The organization was founded in 1977 as the Institute of Broadcast Sound (IBS) and changed its designation to IPS in 2012, to better reflect the industry's an enormous transformation. As a consequence, the profile of the IPS membership has expanded to include the many freelance engineers working in all areas of professional audio, including computer games sound, forensic audio, theatre and live sound, music recording, internet and web audio, film sound and, of course, all aspects of broadcast radio and TV sound.
As a charitable organization that champions the highest quality of sound production and sound recording in all forms of broadcast, recorded, and live events, the IPS is widely respected for the support, training and networking opportunities it delivers. Its Fellowship program is very selective – there are currently only 10 living people who hold this honor – as it is designed to recognize those who are ‘operationally outstanding in their area’.

Delighted to be given an IPS Fellowship and receive a coveted trophy, Peter Thomas states: “At PMC, we believe that accuracy is all important and there should be no difference between a speaker used to monitor audio in the studio and a speaker designed for listening to music at home. I am delighted that the IPS also see this as important. By honoring me, they also honor all those who work so hard in PMC’s R&D department to push the boundaries of what is possible and bring new products to market."
Peter Thomas has been a member of IPS since 1999 and during that time has seen it develop to reflect the changing needs of the industry. “IPS represents the very people we are making our products for – audio professionals from right across the spectrum, from music recording and live sound through to broadcast radio and TV,” he says. “Being a Fellow of such a prestigious and forward thinking organization is truly an honor.”