MAAT, a name derived from “Mastering Academy Audio Tools," is a manufacturer of professional software audio solutions dedicated to "reinvent audio mastering" reflecting the practical wisdom derived from years of practical experience from its founders. As with the MATT's companion DRMeter MkII, DROffline MkII is a Loudness measurement and logging application that combines high accuracy R128 and A/85 conformance with features crafted expressly for music creation, in addition to the more traditional broadcast production and post markets.
"DROffline MkII is the only Loudness measurement utility to display channel–specific trends by augmenting EBU–mandated monaural measurements with classic L/R metering for Maximum Short Term, Maximum Momentary and True Peak, to allow the operator to identify significant trends and channel–specific issues often overlooked during production. It is also the first app to offer both the emerging PSR metric, Sample Peak–to–Short–term Loudness Ratio, and official DRi Dynamic Range standard for judging 'dynamic density,' the amount of dynamic range contrast in a recording. In total, twenty measurements are available, along with six informative facets of each file or folder," the company explains.

Since all measurements are performed locally, DROffline MkII is faster and more secure than on–line services. Log outputs, available in plain text or tab delimited format, are highly configurable by the user and, with embedded studio information, are suitable for delivery to the client. The application accepts all modern PCM and lossless formats, including WAV, BWF, AIFF, FLAC and ALAC files at up to 384 kHz sampling rates.
Another focus for the new update tool was workflow efficiency. Working with the current version of DRMeter MkII, the real–time measurement and monitoring plug–in companion to DROffline MkII, users will be able to receive instant answers without leaving their Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs). A quick drag and drop of a clip onto a current DRMeter MkII instance in a session will trigger a background evaluation and measurement by DROffline MkII, which opens a log file in the foreground for inspection.
DROffline MkII is available now directly from MAAT and select pro audio distributors.