Sunday November 12th heralds the 2017 Burning Amp festival at the suitably named Firehouse, at Fort Mason in San Francisco. This year will be the biggest Burning Amp ever! The event will be using the 2nd floor Meeting Rooms in Building C for auditioning components and systems as usual, and the adjacent Firehouse spaces adjacent to Building C at ground level for the talks by experts in audio, demonstration tables, and lunch.
The (voluntary) promoters have promised expanded hours from 8:30am-8pm. Thanks to a generous donation from PassDIY, entry is just $20 this year, and for those bringing a DIY component to be auditioned entry is free. This year there will be more talks by audio experts present at the Firehouse, including Demian Martin, Siegfried Linkwitz, Nelson Pass, and Wayne Colburn, not to mention giveaway raffles... and lunch!
Nelson Pass has promised to talk about amplifiers (duh...) and upcoming kits, while Siegfried Linkwitz will talk about audio perception.

Wayne Colburn from Pass Labs will be talking about how he approaches some common circuit design issues, and also present his new headphone amp design and the PCB’s he can supply for them. He will also have a table in the Firehouse where visitors can listen to it.
BAF T-Shirts in a new design will be on sale for $15! For more info, to ask questions, or to post feedback there is a thread on diyAudio: www.diyaudio.com/forums/clubs-and-events/309967-burning-amp-2017-sun-nov-12-san-francisco.html
Sunday November 12th, 2017 8:30am-8:00pm
Fort Mason Firehouse & Building C 2nd Floor Rooms, San Francisco, CA