Even Ron Tipton’s articles have recently been focused on acoustic-related topics. This month’s audioXpress features the second part of his article on room correction. The article details some free software tools that can be used and combined with basic acoustic treatment techniques, before using corrective equalization.
Our Acoustic Focus special features starts with an extensive Acoustical Solutions product round-up, introducing several acoustic treatment companies and their acoustic solutions. Some of these companies are dedicated to particular applications and specific environments such as home theaters or studios, while others continuously work to expand the catalog of acoustic treatment materials that can be selected by acoustic consultants for any type of application. Among the companies featured, we mention DIY plans required for building acoustic treatment panels, ready-to-use acoustic kits, and even some basic services provided by those companies. Companies featured in the product round-up include:
Acoustic Fields
Acoustic Sciences Corp.
Auralex Acoustics
JOCAVI Acoustic Panels
Ready Acoustics
Acoustics First
Acoustical Surfaces
Media Specialty Resources
Resolution Acoustics
GIK Acoustics
Overtone Acoustics
Next up, Oliver Masciarotte explores one of the newest companies in the acoustical treatment domain, already making a splash in the global market and specifically being noticed in the US. Artnovion, founded in 2015 by acoustical engineer and visionary entrepreneur, Jorge Castro, is just one of the three ventures he founded in Paços de Ferreira, the furniture capital of Portugal. The article explains how Artnovion was able to make a difference in just a short time, with an extensive catalog of carefully designed, aesthetically pleasing, and eco-conscious acoustical treatment solutions.
Continuing with the Acoustic Focus, in “Eliminating Room Reflections in Woofer Measurements,” Richard K. Mains discusses the basic concepts using ideal waveforms. In the second part of this Practical Test and Measurement article, Mains will demonstrate an application of the method using some actual woofer measurements. And from theory to some practical insights, Ethan Winer discusses the differences between broadband absorbers and tuned traps, as well as some of the misconceptions surrounding their use and other similarly applicable solutions.
Of course, we need offer some balance and in this August edition you will find Ward Maas’ perspective of the 2016 High End show in Munich. Before addressing some of the products that grabbed his attention, our audio expert explains why this year’s Munich show felt different and why it still is the most important and largest high-end show in the world.
Plenty to read and plenty of reasons to access the August 2016 edition now.
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