Audiofile, a leading music technology company from Minneapolis, MN, and maker of the popular Sample Manager App for OS X, released Myriad, a next generation batch processor. Developed with feedback from professional users, Myriad includes modern features, a new workflow for a better user experience, and improved performance for today’s demanding audio processing needs.

Myriad sports a redesigned and intelligently organized interface. In addition to significant performance gains, Myriad integrates the world-class Goodhertz Good Dither and Goodhertz Sample Rate Converter. “The new and improved actions in Myriad make it a substantially worthy upgrade and the new UI is great,” says TV and film composer/producer David Das. “This app has saved hundreds of thousands of hours. If I need to do something simple like sample-rate convert a file, I know Myriad can do it quickly and has the best algorithms.”
Over 100 Actions, or automated tasks, are included in Myriad including 20 new Actions and many more improved. Users can also save an unlimited number of custom-configured User Actions. The new “Intelligent Stereo to Mono” Action finds mono sounds in stereo files and converts to mono given a user-chosen threshold.
Myriad provides comprehensive support for Broadcast WAVE metadata, SoundCloud, Dropbox and advanced FLAC and Vorbis conversion options. Myriad also supports compressed files on input allowing AAC, MP3, FLAC, Apple Lossless and more to be added to the File List.

Guitarist, songwriter, and composer Vernon Reid adds: “I have mountains of material I’ve recorded, old audio recordings on hard drives, that I use for movies, independent films and documentaries. We’ve all become asset management people. Sample Manager before, and now Myriad, helps simplify the file management big-time for trimming, setting loop points, fade in and fade out, normalizing etc. This app is a great tool when you don’t want to open your DAW. I like to use the DAW environment for creating not the management of the files themselves.”
Audiofile has partnered with audio DSP developers Goodhertz to include world-class processing capability to Myriad. According to Audiofile, Goodhertz’ mastering-grade audio sample rate converter combines sonic performance with speed and efficiency, preserving high frequency content and eliminating aliasing. Goodhertz Good Dither is a custom-tailored noise shaping algorithm that, rather than relying on noisy peaks or drastic high frequency shaping, always remains smooth and natural sounding while preserving every possible detail of the audio.
“I’m a heavy, heavy user of Sample Manager now Myriad. I use it pretty much every day to do my batch processing, especially for voice over in games where I get a batch of 100 to 1000 lines. I’ve bought them all and this one does a lot of things really right. It’s one of the few batch processing apps you can actually preview before rendering and you can see it visually beforehand, invaluable! This is the most powerful batch converter out there,” sums up videogame sound designer and composer Chris Rickwood.
Myriad retails for US $99.99 and is now available via the Audiofile Store for an introductory price of US $79.99. Also available on the Apple Store. Myriad supports OS X 10.9 Mavericks, 10.10 Yosemite and 10.11 El Capitan.
Audiofile Engineering was founded by Ev Olcott and Matthew Foust in 2004, and is among the most innovative and experienced audio software developers for OS X and iOS with a long history of industry firsts to their name. Audiofile are also the creators of - among many other - Triumph audio editor, mastering and CD authoring application for Mac OSX; Spectre multi-instrument, real-time audio analyzer for OS X; Fidelia high-definition digital audio player (Mac OS X); VOXOVER Voice-over Recording Utility (Mac OS X); Audiofile Calc musical calculator (iOS); and Triumph DDP to examine and playback DDP (Disc Description Protocol) filesets (iOS).