Analog Devices introduced a family of low-power rail-to-rail amplifiers for high-speed data acquisition systems that require exceptional accuracy, precision and power efficiency. For system designers who are looking to achieve full datasheet specifications from high resolution A/D converters, the ADA4805-1 (single) and ADA4805-2 (dual) amplifiers provide the only solution with quiescent current as low as 495µA. The amplifiers’ Dynamic Power Scaling (DPS) feature allows users to dynamically manage the power consumption by shutting-down the amplifier between analog-to-digital converter samples.
This further reduces by up to 90 percent the power consumption — with no performance degradation — when compared to similar solutions. The 100-MHz ADA4805-1 and ADA4805-2 amplifiers achieve a high slew rate of 160 V/μs, low noise (5.9 nV/√Hz at 100 kHz) and low distortion (−102 dBc/−116 dBc HD2/HD3 at 100 kHz) while consuming only 1.5 mW of power.
The amplifiers are designed for power-sensitive portable and battery-powered data acquisition devices, such as handheld or portable test and measurement instruments, battery-powered industrial equipment and remote environmental monitoring devices. They can also be used to reduce power and thermal dissipation in high-density applications such as cellular base stations and medical imaging equipment.
With exceptionally low offset-voltage drift of 1.5µV/°C maximum (0.2μV / 0C typical), the ADA4805 family offers eight times lower drift performance than competing high-speed (100MHz) amplifiers. The combination of superior AC and DC performance allow designers to enhance system sensitivity, dynamic range and overall system accuracy.
The ADA4805-1/-2 amplifiers have a wide voltage range, supporting 3-V supplies, and in applications that require a wider dynamic range can also operate on supplies as high as +/-5V. The ADA4805 family efficiently drive a variety of A/D converters such as the AD7980 16-bit 1 MSPS; AD7091 ultra low-power 12-bit, 1 MSPS; AD7902 dual pseudo differential 16-bit 1 MSPS and AD7988 ultra low-power 16-bit SAR converters.
Watch this video to learn more about the new A/D converter drivers:
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Analog Devices Introduces Most Power Efficient Drivers For 12-, 14- And 16-bit A/D Converters
October 8 2014, 09:00
Analog Devices’s ADA4805 family of amplifiers featuring Dynamic Power Scaling provide best-in-class offset drift, slew rate, noise and distortion performance for portable, battery powered and high-density data acquisition equipment.