Studio One 4 is a major update featuring, AAF support (!) a new Chord Track with Harmonic Editing that makes it easy to prototype songs, thanks to flexible transposition, key modulation, and chord substitution for note data and audio. The Impact drum module has been reborn as Impact XT, where users can create complete arrangements in a highly developed, sophisticated production environment. Patterns bring the concept of step sequencing into the 21st century with the fastest way yet to come up with drum and percussion parts. And Sample One XT turns Sample One into not just a true sampler that can record data from anywhere within the program, but a powerhouse for slicing, dicing, and rearranging loops and beats.
Otherwise, Studio One 4 continues to be an elegant and easy to use software that familiarized users recognize to be extremely fast to work with. An efficient, single-screen interface houses an unlimited number of tracks, intuitive editing tools, and advanced virtual instruments, allowing users to spend their precious time creating music instead of wondering what to click next. And better still it doesn’t restricts users on the way they wish to work.
Top-of-the-line Studio One 4 Professional’s new Harmonic Editing features now give users the freedom to try out harmonies, transpositions, and chord progressions. The Chord Track goes far beyond a simple chord track for note data, working with instrument tracks and audio tracks for fast, efficient, multi-dimensional arranging and transposition. An ingenious Chord Selector makes it easy to experiment with new chord patterns and ideas. Built-in chord detection extracts chords from audio or instrument tracks. The combination of Harmonic Editing and Studio One’s Arranger Track and Scratch Pads makes Studio One the most flexible program ever for arranging and testing out new song ideas.
The step sequencer has served Studio One users well but PreSonus decided it was time for a fresh approach. Studio One Patterns, found in all editions of Studio One 4, integrate with Instrument Parts and automation, now offering many more expressive possibilities than typical step sequencers. Patterns can live side-by-side with conventional Instrument Parts on the same track.
Studio One 4’s Musical Editor adds deeper editing features, speeds up the editing workflow, and simplifies recurring tasks. An innovative, streamlined Drum Editor enables editing drum parts as fast as users can think. Control over note events is greatly enhanced. Note event editing options also have been updated and extended. The powerful Macro system now offers added flexibility.

New in Studio One Artist and Studio One Professional, Impact XT adds more than 20 new features, transforming the Impact drum module into a complete production environment for beats and loops. Sample One XT has expanded from sample playback into a sampling powerhouse and features a wealth of synthesis-type options. In addition, users can drag-and-drop samples between Sample One XT and Impact XT and exchange samples with instruments like Presence XT using a common exchange file format.
PreSonus also worked once again with Celemony on expanding the original Audio Random Access (ARA) spec that allows for seamless integration with Melodyne. Studio One 4 is ready for ARA 2.0, which provides access to data from multiple tracks.
Version 4 also eases the process of switching from other DAWs to Studio One by supporting AAF (Advanced Authoring Format) for data exchange with Pro Tools, Logic, Nuendo, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, and more.
Street prices are: Studio One 4 Professional $399.95; Studio One 4 Artist $99.95. Upgrades and crossgrades are also available.