The complete program for AISE 2018 is now available to download here.
Since 1964, The Association of Loudspeaker Manufacturing and Acoustics (ALMA) International has brought electroacoustic and audio professionals together for cutting edge education, quality networking, and an unparalleled environment in which to get business done. AISE 2017 broke attendance records and drew broad acclaim from exhibitors, and attendees. For 2018, the revitalized ALMA International Symposium & Expo (AISE) will expand on all of the things that exhibitors and attendees always have appreciated about this event, taking it to another level, with new innovative programs, exhibition and activities.
With a new Executive Committee in place and an energized Board of Directors, ALMA International is now in a position to aggressively grow and expand its annual AISE as well as to adapt its mission to better reflect the new realities of the audio industry. The new venue for AISE 2018, the South Point Hotel & Casino, will certainly contribute to a whole new feeling. The theme for 2018 is “The Revolution of the Audio Signal Chain”, reflecting the growing importance of the signal path from source to speaker, focusing on how changes in the industry impact transducer design, the integrated speaker and overall loudspeaker performance.
AISE 2018 will take place on Saturday and Sunday, allowing for a one day break between AISE and CES. There will be a President’s Reception on Friday, January 5 from 6PM to 7:30PM in the Banquet area. Exhibits will be open at 9AM both days. ALMA's Education Track invites students and educators to attend, network, and present content at AISE.
As reflected in ALMA's theme for 2018, “The Revolution of the Audio Signal Chain”, the signal path from source to speaker will continue to evolve, from a variety of discrete components to converged and integrated, embedded, networked and increasingly "intelligent" solutions, ultimately determining the quality of audio. The theme for AISE 2018 will focus upon this convergence and how this revolution will impact transducer design, the integrated speaker and overall loudspeaker performance - design smart for smart designs.
As the newly appointed ALMA President, Dan Foley, explains: “The signal path from source to speaker has always depended upon a variety of discrete components. In today’s world of handheld audio, those components have converged and the loudspeaker is no longer the sole determinant of quality audio. The theme for AISE 2018: “The Revolution of the Audio Signal Chain” will focus upon this convergence and how this revolution will impact transducer design and loudspeaker performance.”
ALMA's Education Track also invites students and educators to attend, network, and present content at AISE. ALMA pays for All Access Passes for a limited number of qualified Students and significant discounts for Educators.
The Keynote Speaker for the AISE 2018 annual banquet on January 6, 2018 will be Adrian Weidmann. Weidmann presented a seminar at AISE 2017 on Branding that drew rave reviews and excellent attendance. Everyone from CEOs to Marketing Professionals to Sales Professionals to Engineering and Design Professionals will benefit from his knowledge.
The Beryllium Driver Award for Lifetime Achievement will go to Chris Strahm of LinearX fame (posthumously). The award will be presented by Vance Dickason to Chris Strahm’s wife Susie at the annual Banquet. Chris was taken from us far too soon last November and was commemorated in an article by Vance Dickason in the February 2017 edition of Voice Coil.
A Call for Content for AISE 2018 has been issued. Content may pertain to the theme “The Revolution of the Audio Signal Chain,” however, ALMA welcomes all pertinent business and technical presentations. Original content and Members receive top priority, but all submissions are welcome and will be considered. There has never been a better time to get involved and engaged in ALMA International.
This should provide you with an idea of the incredible value of attending this event, for which audioXpress, Voice Coil and the Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook are official media partners. The publication of follow-up printed articles on LIS expands the reach and impact of those presentations.
Don't forget that AISE 2018 takes place at a NEW venue: South Point Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. This larger location will better facilitate future growth of the association and of AISE.
Registration for attendees and exhibitors at AISE 2018 is still open. There is a link to the AISE 2018 Prospectus and registration at:
For conference submissions, suggestions and comments - Send an Email here.
Or contact Barry Vogel - Send an Email here
January 6 – 7, 2018
ALMA International Symposium & Expo (AISE) 2018
South Point Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA