Over the last 20 years, car sound has changed dramatically from being standard mono sound in one full range loudspeaker to a true multichannel playback system, fully integrated and adjusted to the specific vehicle. Today some of the most advanced sound technologies are being developed and applied in Automotive Audio. The AES conference program will address all complementary scientific fields such as power electronics, bus systems, loudspeaker drive units, signal processing (DSP), acoustics & vibrations (NVH) and more.
Bringing together leading experts in automotive audio design and implementation, the Conference will offer a host of ways for attendees to learn about and connect with the latest technologies through research paper presentations, keynotes, workshops and discussion panels, alongside attendee networking opportunities and special events.
The AES Automotive Audio Conference will address topics such as how the impact of audio streaming, autonomous vehicles, Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), ownership models and ride- and car-sharing are having a profound effect on the way we think about, and interact with, sound in and around both public and private vehicles. Additional presentation topics will include System Architecture and Hardware, Active Sound Management Solutions, Sound Reproduction in Cars, Evaluation of Sound, Virtual Acoustics and other related fields of study.
In additional to topical presentations, the AES Automotive Audio Conference will offer several keynote presenters. Those bringing their insights and knowledge to the Conference’s educational experiences include Andreas Ehret, Director of Automotive at Dolby, and Andrew Jones, Vice President Engineering at ELAC. Conference Sponsors include: Palladium Partners, Dolby and Panasonic; Platinum Partners, Fraunhofer and HEAD Acoustics; Gold Partners, Dirac and PCB Piezotronics; and Silver Partner, Listen, Inc.
Additional AES Automotive Audio International Conference details, topics and registration information are available here, with discounts available for AES Members and Student Members. Attendees looking to have their work featured at the Conference can submit proposals through March 31. Yu “Dewey” Du (Harman), and acoustics expert Samira Mohamady (IAV) are the Papers Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively and are welcoming paper and presentation submissions.

APEI Automotive Audio
The AES Audio Product Education Institute dedicated three-day Automotive Audio conference track reinforces the general conference program. Taking place at the Dearborn Ford Conference and Event Center, this will be a unique opportunity for the automotive product development and engineering community, these dedicated sessions will offer a complete overview of state-of-the-art system designs and engineering approach for current and future vehicles.
"This year, the Automotive Audio conference will share an audience and space with AES’s Audio Product Education Institute (APEI). We will have sessions focused on voice, AI and machine learning, modeling and measurement, and supply chain and sourcing topics. All companies involved in automotive audio product development have a unique opportunity to become an exhibitor and/or sponsor," says Roger Shively (JJR Acoustics), the conference chair.
The APEI conference track will focus on hands on education to the product development community and represents an opportunity to interact with those involved with bringing audio products to market. Five of APEI’s educational pillars will each host a half-day session at the event. For more information and updates about the APEI Automotive Audio sessions - click here.
Contact Lars Carlsson, or Sean Martin to discuss sponsorship and partnership opportunities. Send an email here.
2022 AES International Conference on Automotive Audio
Dearborn, Michigan.
June 8-10, 2022
The Dearborn Inn is located across the street from the Henry Ford Museum – Greenfield Village, in Dearborn, Michigan.