The industry experts from three different APEI education pillars will get together in a special online session this week, to discuss the challenges in the automotive supply chain, and outline growing product development requirements for this very complex market.
With the evolution of the supply chain moving from Europe and North America to Asia, and current conditions presenting not only design and development challenges but also requiring advanced global logistics coordination in many areas within the supply chain, this session is particularly opportune. Following an overview of the evolution of the supply chain ecosystem and how it has developed into an extremely complicated system that requires a multitude of skills and requirements, the session will detail key trends that determine success in the current automotive audio environment.
APEI's educational pillar chairs will explore the automotive supply chain looking at the history of audio in the vehicle, and how it has gone from "speakers in a car" to "branded infotainment systems". Addressing hardware development, the session will discuss transducer and systems development that include the various challenges of coordinated design efforts, branded audio systems requirements, certification requirements, materials supply continuity and logistics coordination.
The unique interaction between APEI's various pillars will also outline specifics within the automotive environment, including the importance of in-cabin testing and modeling in order to reduce time to market and increase the user experience; How to plan and forecast product development cycles correctly; Making the "right choices" for the audio systems aligned with specific vehicles; and consumer trends driving audio solutions.
Joining this first event focused on automotive supply chain challenges will be Roger Shively (JJR Acoustics)APEI's Automotive Audio Pillar Chair and Co-Chair of the AES Automotive Audio Technical Committee, together with Steve Willenborg (Linkplay Technology), APEI's Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Pillar Chair, and Mike Klasco (Menlo Scientific), APEI's Supply Chain and Sourcing Pillar Chair.
Registration for this event is free and is now open here: