The Audio Engineering Society has announced the results of its 2024 Board of Directors and Board of Governors elections. The Society’s membership has elected Brecht De Man as President-Elect. Also on the Board of Directors, Valerie Tyler has been re-elected as Secretary and Glenn Lorbecki has been re-elected as Treasurer.
In the AES Elections for the Board of Governors (BoG), the following have been re-elected as regional Vice Presidents:
Angela Piva, VP Eastern Region, USA/Canada
David v.R. Bowles, VP Western Region, USA/Canada
Jamie Angus Whiteoak, VP Northern Region, Europe
Additionally, newly elected as at-large Governors are Brett Leonard, Merlijn van Veen, and Malik Williams.
Governors leaving the Board in January are Lesley Fogle, Toru Kamekawa, Jonathan Wyner and Marcela Zorro.
Save for the President-Elect, each newly elected individual will serve a two-year term. De Man will serve one-year terms on the AES Board of Directors as President-Elect in 2025, in 2026 as President, in 2027 as Past President, followed by two years as a Governor. All those newly elected will begin their terms on January 1, 2025.
Also on January 1, 2025, current Past President Bruce Olson will transition to Governor for the first year of a two-year term. Beginning one-year terms will be President Leslie Gaston-Bird, who will transition to Past President, and President-Elect Gary Gottlieb, who will become President.

AES Members also ratified the three AES Bylaws amendments proposals presented on the ballot. The first one referred to broaden the range of students qualifying for membership, and simplify student membership application and notification of acceptance. The second amendment removes Sustaining Member class of membership. And the third simplifies the Nominations Committee, nominated by the incoming President, subject to the consent of the Board of Governors. The immediate Past President and all Vice Presidents shall be members of the Nominations Committee.
The 2025 Audio Engineering Society Board of Directors will be:
Gary Gottlieb: President
Leslie Gaston-Bird: Past President
Brecht De Man: President-Elect
Valerie Tyler: Secretary
Glenn Lorbecki: Treasurer
Bill Schulenburg, Director
One additional Director will be elected by the Board of Governors within the next 60 days.

The AES 2025 Board of Governors (in addition to the Directors above) will be:
Kazuhiko Kawahara: VP Asia-Pacific Region
Jamie Angus Whiteoak: VP Northern Region, Europe
Ewa Łukasik: VP Central Region, Europe
Huseyin Hacihabiboglu: VP Southern Europe/Middle East/
Africa Region
Jorge Azama: VP Latin American Region
Angela Piva: VP Eastern Region, USA/Canada
Bill Schulenburg: VP Central Region, USA/Canada
David v.R. Bowles: VP Western Region, USA/Canada
Lenise Bent: Governor
Brett Leonard: Governor
Mary Mazurek: Governor
Bruce Olson: Governor
Joshua Reiss: Governor
Merlijn van Veen: Governor
Malik Williams: Governor
Jiayue Cecilia Wu: Governor
The Audio Engineering Society (AES) is the leading professional association worldwide for audio professionals and enthusiasts. For more than 75 years, the AES has been at the forefront of audio technology and innovation, providing a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and industry collaboration.