All items written by audioXpress Staff
Integrated Systems Europe 2018 to Debut Compelling Range of Conferences and Events
Danish Podspeakers Launches New Wireless MicroPod
Lattice Simplifies Audio Connectivity and Improves Performance with HDMI 2.1 Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC) Solutions
A3E to Present The Future of Audio at The 2018 NAMM Show
New HDMI Forum Version 2.1 Specification is Good News for Audio
XMOS Extends Portfolio of Far-Field Voice Capture Solutions with  New xCORE VocalFusion Speaker Linear Evaluation Kit
Vesper Launches High Performance VM2000 Microphone for Smart Speakers
Meyer Sound Expands LEO Family with VLFC Very Low Frequency Control Element
DPA Microphones Expansion in The UK and Germany
Rigado Edge Connectivity Tool Suite Supports Bluetooth 5