All items tagged with touch interface (13)
Azoteq Announces New IQS390 and IQS396 Haptic ICs for Improved Interfaces
Infineon Unveils Integrated Advanced MEMS-Based Ultrasound Transducer
Microchip Launches New Turnkey Capacitive Touch Controllers
Studio Six Digital Launches New SoundScope VR Module
Doris by dgApps Controls Multiple MIDI Devices from iPhone or iPad
LEWITT Introduces Connect 2 USB-C Audio Interface
AAC and UltraSense Partner to Create Touch Experience Solutions for Cars and Consumer Electronics
Apple Delivers on the Promise of Ultimate Mobile Studio with Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro for iPad
Why Buy Four Chips if You Only Need One?
Upgrade Sensing for Your True Wireless Stereo Designs. Why Buy Four Chips if You Only Need One?