Custom Content, Sponsored Downloads and Sponsorships
Sometimes you have a special message that you want to convey directly to our audience. Or it’s time to get the most out of your marketing budget and amplify your sales. audioXpress will help you create and deliver engaging, shareable content that will strengthen your brand and drive traffic to your sites. Sponsor a blog post on, an in-feed item in The Audio Voice newsletter, or both.Work with audioXpress to start compelling conversations and reach new customers with your message.
Custom content in $900 per month
Per issue of The Audio Voice newsletter: $450
(you can repeat your message in The Audio Voice for 2 weeks or more, but we do not recommend it unless you renew your message and content)
Details: Discuss with an audioXpress client manager
Create your company’s own custom content and have it appear as a fixed content unit and in-feed item on the homepage of and/or as an in-feed item in The Audio Voice newsletter. The fixed content and in-feed items continue to a landing content page. Our readers will discover your brand and learn about your products as they read engaging native content. It’s an unobtrusive way to provide potential customers with immediate value as you engage them on and in The Audio Voice newsletter.
- In-feed Sponsored Unit: Remains on homepage until pushed off by other posts. Listed as “Sponsored.”
- Homepage Fixed Content Unit: 31 days maximum.

Materials Required
You should submit real content, including:
One main image: 1200x900 pixels (72 or 96 dpi)
One top card: 1200x675 pixels (72 or 96 dpi)
Title: 8 to 14 words
Lead text: 60 to 75 words
AND actual content for the page - 500 to 800 words ideal - and more images if you want.
Otherwise, its not “custom content” and a banner works better.
Strategic Media Marketing
P: +1 978 281 7708
Price: Contact us for rates
Details: Discuss with an audioXpress client manager
Buy a set number of leads based on your budget! Promote your content and get the leads. Open-ended (until order is satisfied).
We include an editorial item in The Audio Voice e-Newsletter linking to a data form (the form can offer a free whitepaper or other options). Bi-weekly or monthly basis. We also promote the offer via any remnant space available be it in print or web post.
Receive native exposure across multi-channels to our community. Just supply assets and basic materials. KCK Media handles the rest.
See Materials Required above.
Strategic Media Marketing
P: +1 978 281 7708
Advertise on Select Pages
audioXpress creates a Select Page aggregating all the content and metadata tags related with a topic that is trending and frequently searched by readers. Your banners will automatically appear to visitors of the Select Page.
Some Examples of Select Pages:
Wireless Earbuds and Hearables
High Resolution Audio
Smart Speakers
Voice Recognition
Strategic Media Marketing
P: +1 978 281 7708