All zplane.development state-of-the-art music processing/analysis technologies are available for licensing and focus on intelligent signal processing solutions like artifact-free time-stretching and pitch-shifting, as well as on music analysis for the extraction of high-level musical information like tempo, rhythm, melody and key. zplane ́s client base includes top brands like Ableton, Avid, Native Instruments, PreSonus and Sony.
Some time ago zplane announced elastiqueAAX, a fully featured version of their class-leading time and pitch stretching software for Pro Tools. Now zplane decided to create a stripped-down version of the elastiquetime-stretching algorithm for use as the default time stretching engine right inside Pro Tools for use with the built-in TCE tool. Requires Mac OSX 10.7 (and higher) or Windows 7, 8 & 10.
élastiqueAAXtce uses the élastiquePro V3 time-stretching engine which is integrated into many DAWs and ensures the highest, program independent time-stretching quality. élastiqueAAXtce offers multi-channel support for synchronous time stretching of up to 8 audio channels. This technology provides sharp transients and crystal clear vocals without generating phasing artifacts, while offering stable 25% - 400% timing variations, with inter-channel phase coherence and sample accurate stretching.

“Avid is excited to offer élastique AAXtce to the Pro Tools community at an unbeatable price,” says Ed Gray, Director, Partnering Programs at Avid. “Our partners at zplane offer time compression/expansion technology that seamlessly improves the production experience an delivers sonically outstanding results.”
zplane also announce an immediate price reduction for the elastiqueAAX full plug-in version down from €399 to €299.
Both variants can be purchased online at the product website, and there is a free demo available for download.