The annual COMSOL Conference focusing on advancing skills and furthering collaboration among engineers and scientists in the area of multiphysics simulation, will for the first time run online. Instead of in-person meetings, the conference will feature interactive sessions, virtual meetings and one-on-one discussions. The online format will also expand the geographic reach, as anyone can connect from anywhere.
Participants, from the comfort of their own workstations, will be able to experience event highlights, including:
- Invited speakers from industry and academia sharing their experiences using multiphysics modeling and simulation apps
- COMSOL keynotes featuring news and software product announcements
- User presentations showcasing research achievements and innovative design projects
- Panel discussions on simulation apps, heat transfer modeling, and electromagnetics simulation
- Tech Cafés - interactive sessions where software developers and technical product managers take modeling questions directly form COMSOL users
- Minicourses offering learning opportunities for any level of simulation expertise, from introductory to advanced
- Virtual exhibition and poster session
"With recent travel restrictions and social distancing in mind, moving the conference online this year is clearly the best option," says Lauren Sansone, marketing and events director at COMSOL, Inc. She adds, "The COMSOL Conference North America will be easy to join online, without travel time or time away from home. We believe that the online conference will be attractive to many, as it will also be easier to fit with a busy schedule and other obligations. As we will miss out on in-person meetings, we will be placing extra emphasis on providing interactive, small group sessions, and one-on-one discussions. An added benefit is that we will also have access to COMSOL's global pool of engineers, as it will be equally easy for them to join the conversations, from anywhere."
The full schedule is now online!
AC/DC electromagnetics
Acoustics and vibrations
Batteries, fuel cells, and electrochemical processes
Bioscience and bioengineering
Chemical reaction engineering
Computational fluid dynamics
Electromagnetic heating
Geophysics and geomechanics
Heat transfer and phase change
MEMS and nanotechnology
Metal Processing
Optics, photonics, and semiconductors
Optimization and inverse methods
Particle tracing
Piezoelectric devices
Plasma physics
Porous Media Flow
RF and microwave engineering
Simulation methods and teaching
Structural mechanics and thermal stresses
Transport phenomena
COMSOL Conference 2020 North America
Conference dates: October 7-8, 2020.
For event details and registration, please visit: COMSOL Conference 2020 North America