As the name implies, MAPP 3D provides highly accurate, three-dimensional renderings of predicted sound system performance within detailed, wire-frame venue drawings. Equally important, MAPP 3D now offers complete integration with the Meyer Sound GALAXY Network Platform and Compass control software for a seamless workflow from initial design through on-site tuning. Comprehensive processing parameters for complex systems can be optimized using MAPP 3D predictions, with the resulting processor settings pushed directly into multiple GALAXY processors with the click of a mouse.
In addition to traditional calibration test signal sources, MAPP 3D supports M‑Noise, Meyer Sound's proposed method to determine the maximum linear SPL for music and an emerging industry standard. This combination provides the industry’s most accurate prediction of a sound system’s maximum capability when reproducing music.
"The release of MAPP 3D marks a milestone in the development of sound system design software, not only for Meyer Sound, but for the industry as a whole,” says Perrin Meyer, Meyer Sound director of emerging technologies. “The detail in the renderings is spectacular and the flexibility of the user interface is unprecedented, but what really sets MAPP 3D apart is the extreme accuracy of the predictions. What you measure with MAPP 3D’s virtual microphones is precisely what you will see in measurements from real microphones.”

The combination of a streamlined, user-friendly interface and seamless integration with GALAXY processors — and easy import of SketchUp (SKP) and AutoCAD (DXF) files — will afford significant time and cost savings in both system design and on-site optimization. With multiple views and fingertip control of a free-rotation tool, audience areas can be quickly defined, even within complex architecture. Line arrays can be quickly configured and automatically splayed for uniform coverage, and multiple system options can be evaluated simultaneously.
In addition, MAPP 3D enables system designers to perform virtual system optimization in the design phase. MAPP 3D includes virtual GALAXY signal processors, allowing the designer to add and configure processors, view prediction results, and later synchronize these settings directly to the hardware processors on site. Complete output processing functions of all GALAXY processor models are available, and a copy and paste feature can be used to replicate settings in one or more other processing channels.
"Because MAPP 3D includes precise sensitivity data for all Meyer Sound loudspeakers, it can display predictions as real-world SPL as well as attenuation. The inclusion of sensitivity coupled with M-Noise compatibility also provides highly accurate predictions of system headroom. Accurate headroom predictions alleviate any tendency to overdesign systems, leading to greater cost efficiencies in the final specification," explains Todd Meier, Meyer Sound director of product management.
MAPP 3D loudspeaker performance is based on more than 65,000 three-dimensional measurement points, taken in 1/48th-octave resolution in the Meyer Sound anechoic chamber. Also, MAPP 3D predictions are accurate across the full bandwidth of all loudspeakers, including as low as 12.5 Hz for the VLFC very low-frequency control element.

"When working with predictions in MAPP 3D, you can be confident that your virtual loudspeakers will behave exactly as the physical models tested in the anechoic chamber,” adds Todd Meier, “as will the loudspeakers in the final installed system. In addition, self-powering eliminates variables associated with external powering, such as amplifier type, amplifier output configuration and loudspeaker cable length — all of which add complexity and introduce a potential for error in other proprietary prediction tools.”
The upgraded, high-resolution graphics and flexible user interface in MAPP 3D provide an array of options for design and performance analysis. System designers can insert simple 3D geometry to reveal array behavior outside the audience area. Layers can be turned on and off to speed workflow. Prediction planes are quickly created from imported drawings with a “Snapping” tool. In addition, multiple prediction planes in large venues with symmetrical sections can be created quickly using linear and angular extrusion in combination with the “Mirror” and “Align” tools.
MAPP 3D is compatible with most recent computers running either Windows 10 or Mac OS versions 10.5.6 Catalina or later. A quad-core processor and at least 8 GB of RAM are recommended as well. MAPP 3D is available as a free download as of August 19, 2020.