ARA Audio Random Access 2 improves the communication between Melodyne and the DAW by permitting them to exchange information about audio files, pitch, rhythm and much else besides. The upshot is a far more user-friendly workflow and the significantly more efficient integration of Melodyne functions by the DAW.
Thanks to ARA 2, it is now possible to open Reaper audio tracks in Melodyne directly – the tiresome transfers have been eliminated. So using Melodyne is now much less complicated and more intuitive. Whenever Media Items on a Reaper track are shortened, lengthened, moved or copied, Melodyne with ARA automatically makes the necessary adjustments. As a result, rearranging the track contents in Reaper presents no problems – even if we've already begun editing them in Melodyne.
Thanks to ARA 2, Melodyne is able to detect, edit and match the tempo in Reaper, and it is also far easier to take advantage of Melodyne’s Audio-to-MIDI Export function. Furthermore, when sharing Reaper projects with collaborators, users need no longer to be concerned with transfer files or other housekeeping chores, as the whole business of data management is now taken care of automatically.
“We are happy to support technology like ARA 2 that makes it easier for our users to work with audio in a convenient and creative way,” says Justin Frankel, the creator of Reaper. "We especially like that ARA 2 is freely available to all developers, and we look forward to seeing all of the interesting features and behaviors that ARA 2 can enable."
To profit from the ARA 2 integration of Melodyne into Reaper, users need version 5.97 of Reaper and version 4.2 of Melodyne. Further information on how to integrate and operate Melodyne in Reaper can be found in the Reaper section of the Melodyne Help Center.
Celemony is the pioneer of musical, note-based editing of audio. The company's principal product, Melodyne, inaugurated this type of audio editing in 2001, and established itself in the intervening years – for vocal editing in particular – as the standard worldwide, and has gone on pushing out the envelope in innovative audio editing ever since to the limits of what is technically possible. In 2008, Celemony presented its patented DNA Direct Note Access, which extended Melodyne's editing capabilities to polyphonic audio material. Other important technologies developed by Celemony include the musically intelligent restoration tool Capstan, the pioneering plug-in interface ARA, the unique Sound Editor introduced by Melodyne 4 and – another Melodyne 4 revelation – Multitrack Note Editing, which facilitates the simultaneous, note-based editing of an unlimited number of audio tracks.
www.celemony.com | www.reaper.fm