And to match the exciting environment of NAMM, now the largest musical instruments and professional audio show in North America, this edition of audioXpress focuses on key technologies that will inspire and expand new project ideas targeting both the consumer electronics and professional audio applications areas, including specific studio and recording technologies.
On our cover, you will find a review of the new d:vote 4099 CORE Instrument Microphone from DPA Microphones. Stuart Yaniger looks closely at this small, light, and versatile microphone for close-miked recording and performance use with acoustic instruments. DPA’s d:vote 4099 features the latest DPA CORE technology, a new interface designed by the company to reduce distortion and increase dynamic range, which DPA is now introducing on all its existing microphones and new impressive models.
The next article continues our Amplifier Series, this time focusing on another Danish Class-D sensation, Pascal Audio. Ward Maas visited Pascal's headquarters, the recognized OEM manufacturer of high-power amplifier modules for professional audio applications. His visit happened shortly after the company was awarded another prize for being in the top one percent of highest performing Danish companies, doubling its business every second year, over the last six years. Maas explains why Pascal's amplifier modules are so unique, and looks in detail at the L-PRO2S, one of the company's flagship modules.
Also longtime contributor Gary Galo writes about a transformer-coupled balanced output circuit for solid-state preamps, both for microphone-level and line-level signals. Exploring the differences between balanced interfaces and unbalanced interfaces - and finding things that we really want to be aware of, he then explains why he selected Jensen transformers for his own project.
Next up, we bring one of the most exciting and original projects in audioXpress' history. Jim Wood brings us an Experimental Cutterhead for Phonograph Disc Recording, which is based on readily available pressure transducers - essentially loudspeakers without cones. As Wood describes, with limited skills and materials at-hand, he was able to create an electromechanical disc recording stereo head. Maybe this is not something for everyone but the article is an incredibly entertaining read with lots of insight on how direct to cut phono recording works.
For headphone and speaker designers, John Quigley (Application Development Scientist for Eastman Chemical Co.) discusses how polymers might improve acoustic performance in audio applications and reveals findings from multiple tests of specialty plastics, including copolyester and cellulosic resins used for in-earphone design. Quigley's work shows how companies can create a performance advantage in the marketplace.
But wait, there's more! Intrigued by a design that uses a 40 mm graphene-coated dynamic driver, a ceramic tweeter, and what the company calls a bass reflector, Stuart Yaniger investigated and shares his findings on the 1MORE Triple Driver Over Ear Headphones.
And right on time for NAMM, in Sound Control, Richard Honeycutt writes about Noise Isolation for Home Studios and proposes a few solutions for those who are thinking of repurposing a room of their own. A timely topic.

Get your copy of audioXpress right now. This is an edition you don't want to miss out. Now available on print and online at: www.gotomyxpress.com
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