"We have said from the start that the safety and welfare of all participants in ALTI-EXPO is paramount for us. Although we believe that the health concerns presented by the pandemic will have abated by June, there were some concerns about international travel, health restrictions, and participation in group events. We take those concerns seriously and decided that the October dates would be better received and will encourage greater participation. All of us want to get back to work, and get back to “normal”. ALTI is committed to doing it safely,” explains Barry Vogel, ALTI's CEO.
ALTI-Expo 2021 is now scheduled to be held in October at the DoubleTree Hotel at the entrance to Universal, Orlando, Florida. This is the same location of the very first ALTI-Expo promoted in parallel to InfoComm 2019, following the restructuring of the former ALMA association into ALTI and its separation from the traditional schedule coinciding with the CES show in Las Vegas. The 2020 edition of ALTI, which couldn't take place as an in-person event, was successfully converted into a virtual event.
For 2021, Barry Vogel already confirmed several changes, additions, and special events being incorporated into ALTI-Expo 2021. "It’s the 60th Anniversary of ALMA/ALTI and there will be a celebration! Our new Incubator program that focuses upon start-ups, new technologies, and innovators will expand with special packages combining a booth, membership, presentations and extra PR all included. And our Incubator participants can look forward to valuable crossover initiatives with InfoComm. And of course the Speaker Builders Workshop returns with new additions and updates. This hands on session was a hit in 2019 and it gets even better is 2021!"
The exhibition floorplan has been revised to allow for social distancing and all appropriate health precautions will be observed. There are much more initiatives under development to be announced later. For the ALTI-Expo 2021, the organization is also planning a Business Builders workshop that will focus on branding, marketing and promotion, and is tailored to management and marketing professionals.
"As in prior years's the CEO’s reception is the evening before ALTI-Expo 2021, on the 23rd, and is open to all attendees at no cost. A great kick-off to ALTI-Expo! Let’s get back to business!", adds Vogel.
Exhibitor registration, Call for Content, and Attendee registration is open now.