Steinberg’s VST Connect plug-in links Cubase production environments to any musician connected to the Internet through a computer or iPad running VST Connect Performer. VST Connect Performer transmits audio data from the iPad to the host computer and establishes a communications uplink between musicians and producers. The app requires a peer-to-peer connection with VST Connect SE (included in Cubase versions 7.5 and 7 and Nuendo versions 6.5 and 6) or VST Connect Pro.
The app supports sample accurate sync collaboration with cue mix facilities and, if the user or studio on the other side is using VST Connect Pro only, it supports multi-channel transmission for remote recording of up to 16 channels, up to 192 kHz and 24-bit audio with downstream transfer of large-scale uncompressed audio files, encrypted transfers, and LAN support for connections in local networks.
“VST Connect Performer is finally available for the iPad. This means that musicians and producers collaborating with studios running VST Connect don’t need a laptop or computer but can stream their performance directly from the iPad. And the display’s real estate gives users sufficient room to navigate easily around the app,” explains Matthias Quellmann, product marketing manager at Steinberg.
VST Connect Performer for iPad is now available to purchase through the App Store for $4.99 or 4.49 euros.