ISE Managing Director Mike Blackman, also confirmed the latest figures for what is already widely recognized as the world’s most popular event for professional AV and electronic systems integration. Attendance is confidently expected to rise above the 51,000 people that came to the 2014 event—a 15% growth. Last year, the ISE attracted visitors from 143 countries, with Germany and UK reaching already more than 6,000 attendees each.
At ISE 2015 a wide range of events will be taking place before and during the show. Pre-show on February 9, visitors can attend the third annual Smart Building Conference, which will explore the continued evolution of smart building technology in the commercial and residential sectors. A full day’s conference, Smart Building Amsterdam is a joint venture between ISE co-owner’s InfoComm and the Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association (CEDIA). This event, the third to be hosted at the RAI, follows successful recent SBC events in London and Berlin.
Chaired by Bob Snyder, Editor in Chief, Channel Media Europe, the conference will continue its winning twin-track formula and focus on Residential and Commercial smart building technology and applications. Delegates can expect to experience best practice approaches to Smart Building design and efficiency objectives alongside insights into emerging trends, energy savings and home automation systems.
On the same day, the keynote address will be presented by renowned futurist Lars Thomsen. Thomsen specializes in advising businesses strategically on anticipated 10 year shifts in society and markets. The keynote will explore: “520 Weeks into The Future: Trends and Tipping Points in the Electronic Systems Industry.”
During the show, The Capital Summit conference on February 11, 2015, will bring together AV/IT industry entrepreneurs seeking investment capital with financial and business professionals from the worlds of investment, mergers and acquisition. Being premiered at ISE 2015, The Capital Summit is co-hosted by MediaBridge Capital Advisors and Stiernberg Consulting. The Capital Summit will provide delegates with the opportunity to meet and greet business experts and qualified strategic and financial investors with an interest in the AV industry. The Capital Summit will run from 1 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. in Room E102.

The popular ISE Theatres will return to the show floor with the addition of the Unified Communications Theatre. The Theatres will complement the wide range of training courses being hosted by ISE co-owners InfoComm and CEDIA. The ISE Unified Communications Theatre will be located in Hall 9 and will stage case-study presentations by manufacturers, product distributors, systems integrators and end user customers. The Residential Solutions Theatre (sponsored by Vutec) and the Commercial Solutions Theatre (sponsored by Microsoft) will return to Hall 7 and Hall 8 respectively.
In addition to these events at ISE 2015, others being showcased include: Audio Forum@ISE, a one-day pro audio educational forum produced in association with Connessioni, February 9, in Room G001/G002; The Sport Facility Integration Summit conference produced by SVG Europe on February 11 in Room E102; and The InAVation Awards produced by IML at the Westergasfabriek’s Gashouder on February 10.

A wide range of events, presentations and training sessions being hosted before and during ISE 2015 will make next year’s show the most compelling event so far in its 11-year history.
ISE 2016 is set to become a four-day exhibition.
Integrated Systems Events announced that its 2016 event will take place over four consecutive days at the RAI exhibition center in Amsterdam. This decision, stated ISE Managing Director Mike Blackman, was largely due to the exhibition’s “rapid rise in size and prominence.”
“This move has largely been driven by the demands of our exhibitors and attendees,” Blackman commented. “Quite simply, the extremely high attendance at the show, particularly on the first two days, saw increasing requests from exhibitors to have more time to spend with attendees. For attendees, we need to ensure that the show remains comfortable to attend,” he explained. “This announcement allows us to meet both objectives.”
Blackman says that the 2016 event will continue to evolve to deliver an increasing mix of pre-show and on-site events to compliment the vibrant exhibition halls. “There will be a lot of exciting developments,” he said, “The extra day will allow ISE to become an even more rewarding experience for everyone at the show.”

InfoComm Education Line Up At ISE 2015
InfoComm International, co-owner of the Integrated Systems Europe (ISE 2015) tradeshow, announced its most comprehensive InfoComm University training to date at ISE 2015.
As in previous years, InfoComm is contributing to the drive for increase knowledge by providing Members and Guest Members with unlimited free access to its on-site InfoComm University education programme. Members and Guests who pre-register for ISE 2015 using an invitation code will receive complimentary access to seminars of their choice on a first come, first serve basis. Two courses not eligible under the free voucher programme are CTS Study Session and the brand new Master Class. Non-InfoComm members must purchase vouchers during ISE registration and then register for specific classes.
“Our comprehensive training and development programme encourages ISE attendees to take advantage of the show’s excellent education opportunities,” said Terry Friesenborg, Chief Global Officer at InfoComm International.
A wide range of presenters will provide education content that is relevant to ISE’s growing audience, while remaining true to the association’s values by being non-biased and objective.

Among the courses that attendees can take for free at ISE 2015 are:
· Needs Analysis for End-User Requirements – What Are They Really Saying?
· Digital Audio Protocols – What Are Your Options?
· Design Documentation and Tendering
· Understanding Multi-Channel Projection
· 4K and Streaming
· Collaboration in the BYOD Era
· Network Administrators – Cracking the Code
· Instore Analytics – Improve the ROI of your Digital Signage Solution and Enhance Your Customer Experience At The Same Time
Also free to register, InfoComm is repeating the successful Special Sessions for Education Technology Managers. Aimed specifically at higher education professionals, the first session titled Destination 2020: Future Trends in AV and Electronic Systems will explore the influence and future of IT, consumer electronics, smartphones and the Internet. The second is Building Large Scale, Low Cost Lecture Capital – The Norwegians’ Story and will focus on digitizing higher education.
New for ISE 2015, a special EDID lab course has been introduced aimed primarily at providing systems integrators with a practical understanding of EDID management and implementation for HDMI. The EDID Lab is valid under the free voucher scheme.

A new Master Class category for ISE 2015 focuses on ‘Displays for Today and Tomorrow’. The session presented by industry veteran, Robert Simpson of Electrosonic, will be divided into four sessions and aimed at experienced AV professionals with around 8 to 10 years experience.
As in previous years, a Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) class will be held. CTS is recognized worldwide as the industry’s leading AV professional qualification. Attendees can also register to take the CTS exam onsite.