Whether you’re an audio executive or simply an audio fan, you’ll find everything thing you need to make informed purchasing decisions in the 2013 Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook,our annual publication that lists speaker-related companies and their products and services.
It’s the most comprehensive loudspeaker industry guide available.

The Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook introduces you to the Bowers & Wilkins CI 800 Series speakers, featured in a custom theater display at a recent ISE 2013 exhibit.
The sourcebook is an excellent reference to keep on hand at your office or lab. You can also research its broad array of audio resources online. Click here to purchase a hard copy of the 114-page guide (at a discount) or view it for free online.
Roughy 230 companies and their products and services are included in the user-friendly
charts of this year’s sourcebook. And it’s easy to contact a manufacturer, consultant, or

This Monitor Audio system is one of several explored in the article “Trends in Loudspeaker Integration,” featured in the 2013 Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook.
distributor directly by referring to the sourcebook’s extensive list of company executives, addresses, websites, and phone and fax numbers.
Also, this year’s sourcebook is much more than an extensive resource for everything from design software and manufacturing equipment, to test equipment, drivers, micro speakers, microphones, and enclosures. We are featuring more articles from experts on where the industry is headed in 2013 and beyond.
For example, one manufacturer examines the popularity of soundbars and how its engineers designed a soundbar-component-system intended to achieve surround-sound quality. Another article discusses the development of speakers that aesthetically integrate into your home’s architecture without sacrificing audio quality.

Another example of an integrated loudspeaker discussed in this year’s Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook.
Those of you who like to test, measure, and simulate the performance of audio devices will find some interesting reading in this year’s sourcebook. Since today’s loudspeakers are small, portable, and widely used with smartphones, the sourcebook offers advice on how to use simulation software to optimize the output and tuning of microspeaker systems. And while you may know that impedance is a standard test measurement for loudspeakers, do you know how to construct and use an impedance test circuit? The sourcebook includes an article explaining how.
There is even more helpful information inside. So jump right in.