All items tagged with room acoustics (60)
Patent Review: Multiple Path Acoustic Wall Coupling for Surface-Mounted Speakers
Nureva App for iOS Simplifies Measurement and Analysis of Acoustic Performance in Larger Spaces
Fresh From the Bench: PSI Audio AVAA C214 Digital Active Bass Absorber
ADAM Audio Unveils New D3V Compact Nearfield Monitoring System
PSI Audio Promotes New Active Velocity Acoustic Absorber C214 at High End 2024
Simulation Techniques: Room Gain
Holoplot and AFMG Implement X1 and X2 Matrix Array In EASE 5
Norsonic Announces New Nor283 Dodecahedron Loudspeaker
REDIacoustics Introduces AI-Powered REDI ROCS Acoustic Treatment Service
Technische Universität Berlin and AFMG Publish High-Resolution EASE GLL Data for 22 Musical Instruments