Sonical Launches CosmOS Certified Technology Program for Next-Gen Hearable Devices

September 24 2024, 01:10
Sonical launched its CosmOS Certified program — an initiative set to drive the hearables market to the next stage of user defined devices. As a pioneering force behind the industry first dedicated operating system for hearables, Sonical wants to foster an ecosystem for customizable and personalized audio and health products. CosmOS Certified validates the software and hardware that makes that vision possible.
Sonical's CosmOS operating system for headphones and earbuds allows developers and manufacturers to offer new software applications, running either as a standard feature or user option. To do this, CosmOS makes devices "appable", i.e. extensible through downloadable software plugins and algorithms, that allow developers to accelerate design cycles and manufacturers to deliver new, differentiated products to market quicker. 

The development of CosmOS, Sonical’s operating system for the ear, helps create this third-party technology ecosystem. The result is an even faster transition to products that are no longer smartphone accessories that simply play music, support phone calls and provide basic noise cancelling features, instead they will enhance how we listen to all forms of audio content, how we listen to the world, and enable us to listen to our bodies. This new generation of hearables will also enable a whole new level of end-user customization powered by AI. 

The Sonical team have been listening and responding to the demands from product makers, who until now have been stuck with the limited capabilities of Bluetooth chipsets, which has stifled innovation. The new CosmOS Certified software plugins, processors and peripheral components provide confidence to product developers to efficiently create smart software defined products.

"At its core, CosmOS is designed so that we can help others, help others. No one is as smart as everyone, meaning no single company can invent and build all the diverse applications and features that need to come together for the next wave of ear worn computing. Instead, we must bring together experts across a vast range of proficiencies to ensure the end user always has access to the latest technology. They can then select and download new features into their device whenever they need it," explains Gary Spittle, CEO of Sonical. 

With more than 100 companies already involved, CosmOS also enables combinations of features that have not been possible before. These utilize hardware components for acoustics, sensors, host processors, AI accelerators and multiple connectivity solutions covering USB, Bluetooth, UWB, WiFi and others.

CosmOS Certified is poised to meet this demand, by offering developers faster access to hearable devices with the right levels of processing power and peripheral integration, creating a high-performance platform for integrating software plugins and algorithms. According to Sonical, CosmOS Certified will ensure that AI based algorithms are delivered seamlessly to endpoint devices, ensuring low latency, multi-path, data processing through a dedicated real-time operating system.

Sonical is already collaborating with leading technology suppliers to create this ecosystem, bringing together the essential software and hardware for next generation products. "By working with Sonical, CosmOS Certified software and hardware technology suppliers gain access to a wide and diverse range of product makers with the like-minded goal of advancing the value of devices in the audio market and defining the emerging hearable healthcare market," Gary Spittle adds.

To manage the program and expand the ecosystem, Larry Golob, an expert at building mutually beneficial partnerships, has joined the Sonical team as the Vice President of Partnerships and Business Development. Larry, states that “CosmOS Certified is more than just an approval program — it's a catalyst for a new era in hearable technology. Our partners are at the forefront of innovation, and together, we're shaping the future of how everyone in the world experiences sound and monitors their health. We are excited to see the speed of uptake of plugin companies and component partners, exceeding our own expectations. We see this continuing to grow significantly as we put the user in control of their experiences with run-time downloadable plugins."

Based in San Francisco, California, Larry Golob has a successful career in the semiconductor, IT, and telecom technology sectors. Prior to Sonical, for nearly 10 years, Golob led successful partnerships and business development efforts, including complex licensing deals for Dolby Laboratories.
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About Joao Martins
Since 2013, Joao Martins leads audioXpress as editor-in-chief of the US-based magazine and website, the leading audio electronics, audio product development and design publication, working also as international editor for Voice Coil, the leading periodical for... Read more

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