PACE's Fusion Security Suite provides a swift and convenient method to safeguard software and intellectual property while the iLok Licensing platform can now directly integrate with Shopify to deliver PACE-protected software licenses directly to iLok accounts. The iLok Licensing platform, with over 10 million registered users and now Shopify integration, makes marketing and selling PACE-protected software easier. Installing the iLok License Delivery app for Shopify allows software companies to effortlessly send licenses directly to the customer's iLok account, eliminating the need for activation codes or custom registration.
Andrew Kirk, Vice President of PACE, expressed the motivation behind the development, stating, "We recognized the necessity for software publishers to have a comprehensive solution for protecting, licensing, and distributing their products through established e-commerce platforms like Shopify. With the PACE iLok License Delivery App for Shopify, our customers can effortlessly sell their software while leveraging the diverse apps within the Shopify ecosystem, optimizing their market potential."
Ernie Slenkovich, Vice President of Operations at MixWave, commended the new solution, saying, "The PACE iLok License Delivery App for Shopify truly raises the bar. It is easy to use and seamlessly integrates, enhancing the end-user experience without the need for complex web development. We chose PACE because they are the best, and this just made it better."
The iLok License Delivery App for Shopify is available now. More information is available here: https://paceap.com/shopify
PACE also confirmed that the 10th Audio Developer Conference (ADC) is set to take place on 11-13 November, 2024, in Bristol, UK. ADC24 will be a hybrid conference, offering both in-person and online experiences with the latest insights in audio development.